5. Smells like a burnt pig all the time

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Dedicated to 

Hey you!

I hope wherever you are, you are safe. 

Chapter 5: Smells like burnt pig all the time

I had no idea what Alex Bianchi had drank or how much he had. But I knew that it was more than he could handle.

He was grinning bright, something I had never seen him do. In fact I was sure the paparazzi who followed him 24*7 hadn't seen him grin that big. And here he was, grinning like a Cheshire Car, eyes sparkling with glee and unstable feet trying to balance on the floor.

"You should sit." I remarked as he took a step towards me and ending up stamping on his own feet, scowling with pain.

I lightly pushed his shoulder, leading him towards the couch. "Sit." I ordered.

He shook his head like a small kid. "No."

I sighed a little irritated. Disturbing my sleep can be hazardous to health, your health.

"Alex just sit, you can barely stand. I'll get some water." I commanded in a firm voice.

Something in my tone made him comply. He sat on the couch, back straight and hands on his knees. Like a puppy learning to obey orders.

Once I was sure he wouldn't get up, I turned leaving for the kitchen to get some water.

"No, where are you going?" Alex alarmed tone made me turn, he grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards him. Completely taken by surprise, I yelped, stumbled and fell right into his lap.

Alex determinedly held onto my waist, making sure I didn't fall on the floor. His one arm was around my waist and the other still on my wrist. My face was so close to him that I could see the stubs on his recently shaved faced.

I gulped, my throat dry at the intimate contact. Both of us didn't speak for a while, just looking at each other. I would say we looked into each other's eyes but I'd be lying. I was too nervous to look right at him so I kept my eyes on his nose, cheeks and throat, carefully skipping the lips part. Knowing fully that one glance at those luscious lips and even the Goddess of no-fucking-way wouldn't be able to hold me back.

"Uh, water." I whispered, wriggling my wrist so he would let go. The smell of alcohol coming from his breath was also a great help.

"Saliva?" his funny tone was so light and husky.

Yes please. I gathered all my fallen constraint and pushed him a little, getting up. "Water, I'll get you water." I emphasized, didn't know if was convincing him or myself.

My feet ran straight to the kitchen, frantically needing some distance between us. Leaning on the counter, I took a few breaths, grabbing a bottle and drinking from it directly. I half-finished the water inside it, something I could rarely do. Even after reading a dozen articles about how important water was, I still couldn't drink it enough. And now, here I'm gulping down half the bottle.

"I thought that water was for me."

I jumped a bit, startled. Slowly turning around, I found Alex with his sloping stance and gaping eyes.

I held the bottle towards him, making sure there was safe distance between us and holding the bottle at arm's length.

His eyes narrowed at my stiff posture. Nonetheless, he grabbed the bottle, barely taking a sip and then keeping the bottle back on the table.

Both of us didn't talk for a while, a million questions blazed through my mind. What was he doing here? Why was he here? Why was he drunk? And where was his date?

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