13. But I don't do relationships.

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Sort of a filler but the ending is WHAAAAAAAT!

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Chap 13. But I don't do relationships.

There was something about the way he looked at her,

Regret or passion, or maybe a mix of both.

Every time I saw Alex, I felt a pang of longing. The need to be with him was strong but the need for a normal safe relationship was stronger.

I couldn't be with him, not after all the decisions I made and the things I did. I couldn't face him.

So as I sat opposite Evan on our 5th date, I smiled as I saw him struggling to get the fries out of coke. Not surprisingly this happened every time with him. He claimed he liked fries in coke and then he would dip it in too long and it would get all soggy.

"Dammit." Evan cursed as the fries disappeared somewhere in the huge glass of coke.

I chuckled softly. "Let it go will you."

"But now the coke will taste all salty." He complained, taking a sip of the coke and wrinkling his nose at the taste. "Told ya."

I rolled my eyes. "And I told you that the fries would get soggy. Did you listen, nah. Think you are too smart."

"Hey I am going to be a lawyer okay? I am smart."

I pointed my drippy straw at him. "You are not a lawyer yet. So don't argue now. How is studies going?"

Evan groaned, dropping his head in his hands. "So much to study. So much."

I smiled, lightly tapping his soft hair. "You'll do it."

He shrugged. "So your brother is coming next week?"

"Yeah." I nodded, swatting Evan's hand as he tried to grab my fries. "Eat your own stuff."

"Such a mean girlfriend. Can't share food." Evan teased.

"Haha. We have been over this, don't call me your girlfriend and don't take my food."

Evan sighed, me not yet agreeing to be his girlfriend was a touchy subject. "Fine. My bad."

I closed my eyes, breathing out in wearily. "Evan please."

"No Myra." Evan smiled, a smile that didn't reach his eyes. "I understand, I do. But is this ever going anywhere?"

I bit my bottom lip, truthfully even I didn't know the answer to that. "I hope so. I like you Evan, I really do. But I don't do relationships."

Evan took my hand, rubbing my palm soothingly. "I am ready whenever you are."

I smiled at him, really glad that I had the guts to ask him out a month back. One of the best and most absurd actions in my life.

"So your brother, Lucas is he?" Evan changed the subject.

I nodded. "Yes Lucas, you should talk to him. He is also in law. No idea what he is doing but he was in law school." I snorted. "I don't even know if he passed."

Evan raised his eyebrows. "So you two aren't close?"

"Not really." I shrugged. "He is 6 years elder to me and we haven't talked in almost 6 months. He's coming here for some work and the only reason he's staying here is because my parents warned us both that he will only stay at my place."

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