14. Yes, I'll go on a date with you.

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Well the title says it all.

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Chap 14. Yes, I'll go on a date with you.

I had spent most of the week looking for proof that Ray was the hacker but I couldn't find any. He was good at hacking and covering his tracks. There was no possible way the code could be tracked back to him and there was no back door that could show the location from where the hacking occurred.

There hadn't been any more hacking incidents but there hadn't been any more progress in catching the hacker either.

I was the only one who knew of Ray using the '4-4' signature and every time I saw Athena which was almost every day, I would remember her and Ray kissing or Ray and that other girl kissing. I had devoted almost every second even outside office in search for any proof and I was still standing at nothing.

I slammed down the laptop, frustrated and annoyed. I needed coffee. Again.

I made myself a cup of strong coffee and rubbed my forehead feeling the familiar headache develop fast. It had started exactly one week before. The night I read the most shocking news – Alex Bianchi and Diana Reynolds getting engaged.

I didn't know how to react or what to say. So instead I did the only possible way I knew to deal with my emotions – shove them inside a corner of the brain and preoccupy myself until it becomes a lost memory.

I walked towards the empty room for some peace of mind and to forget the images of Diana Reynolds shoving her diamond studded ring finger in front of the paparazzi cameras. And as luck would have it Athena was already there.

The lights were dim and she had her back towards me. I was just about to scoff and announce my presence when I heard her voice – furious and stern.

"I don't care what they say Ma. I don't want to see him. I hate him."

I almost stopped breathing. I knew I was intruding but I couldn't stop my legs from moving away either.

Athena continued. "I know Ma! I know. But I am happy here. I have a life here. I have a job. You cannot expect me to throw all of this away just because he doesn't want me happy."

There was slight pause and then I heard something I never in my dreams thought I would. Athena's broken voice, almost as if she were crying. But Athena with her stoic face and emotionless heart?

"I can't believe you would choose him over me, after all that we have been through. You will never change will you? I wish I could hate you too Ma. I wish I could." And then Athena cut the call, her face falling into her arms. I could see her shoulders shaking lightly and then a sniffle.

I slowly cleared my throat, holding on to the coffee cup for support. I knew she was going to be super livid about me snooping on her personal life but I felt like I should be supporting her.

Athena froze at the sound, she very slowly lifted her head and turned. Her eyebrows furrowing as she glared at me. "Nosey bitch." She spat out.

I smiled faking sweetness. "Hello to you too." I walked towards her, sitting on the chair next to her.

Athena sighed defiantly. "How much of it did you hear?"

"Just the last part." I answered.

"And you won't pretend to forget it all?"

I looked at her dried up eyes and replied truthfully. "No."

"Fine. What do you want to know?" Athena leaned back on the chair, closing her eyes.

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