11. I don't want this to feel real

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Chapter 11. I don't want this to feel real

"I can't believe you would do this!"

"I am sorry, Myra."

"Sorry doesn't justify this! What the hell were you thinking? And you didn't have the decency to let me know." I knew I was shouting, my voice was so loud people on the ground floor could hear it, but I was so angry at her. "You know I have been worried sick about you."

"It happened all of a sudden. I didn't have time-"

"Oh yes you didn't have time for your best friend. Of course you didn't. Why would you? One call. One message. How much time does that take?"

Zivah looked torn and a part of me wanted to let this go and let her have her special birthday but the majority part of me needed answers. Answers as to why she felt the need to hide this from me.

"It's not like that. You wouldn't understand."

I physically flinched. "I wouldn't understand?"

Zivah sighed. "We haven't talked properly in days and this wasn't something I wanted to tell you over a text message. And with you not talking to Alex, you have been sad the whole four months."

"Really Ziv? That's your excuse?"

"It's the truth. Also nobody knows about this. It's a secret."

I threw my hands up, feeling so frustrated. "That's the thing Zivah. I am not a nobody. I am your fucking best friend whom you ditched so you could have sex with your boss."

"Don't drag Seb into this." Zivah shouted back. "Just because you don't approve of him doesn't mean I'll leave him."

"Approve?" I scoffed. "I don't even know that guy. Why? Because you didn't tell me anything. And you hated him, kept cussing him, and now here you are – in his bed."

"Things changed."

"Or maybe you did."

We didn't say another word before I sighed, giving up. "Happy Birthday Zivah. Hope you enjoy it." And with that I walked out. I could see Seb and Alex silently sitting on the couch and I knew they heard every word. We weren't exactly whispering.

I didn't glance at them, trying my best to control my tears. I could hear Alex walking behind me and somehow that soothed me. He didn't say a word until we reached the car. "Home?"

I gulped, wanting to say yes but I didn't want to be there and get reminded of Zivah again and again. Truthfully I didn't want to be alone this one night. But I was scared to ask Alex to spend the night with me.

The decisions taken when emotionally unstable has a lot of regretting consequences.

"Um. Sure." I sighed.

He glanced at me as I struggled to keep my tears at bay. Myra Collins didn't cry!

"Do you want to go to mine?" he quickly added. "I have a spare guest room."

I looked over at him. And at that moment, under the dim lights of streets and cars, he looked like something you'd want to keep safe, hidden away from every one, just for yourself. And for this one single night, I felt like I needed it. Needed to treasure his presence.

So telling the practical side of my brain to fuck off, I nodded. "Yes, your place sounds perfect."

I didn't miss the small smile that ran over his lips at my acceptance.

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