19. Not every clownfish is called Nemo

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Dedication : @miss_changmai!! Loving your comments!

Keep voting and commenting for a dedication!

This chapter is sooo cute!!

What's your favorite Disney movie? I like Mulan. 

Chap 19

Not every clownfish is called Nemo


"I still can't believe Evan liked Athena. I mean how can anyone like her? She's heartless." I complained as I stuffed a fork full of Maggi in my mouth.

"Maybe she's just pretending you know." Zivah said, trying to get the Maggi in her chopsticks.

I rolled my eyes at her failed attempts in using the chopsticks. "Will you stop that? Just use a fork."

Zivah pouted, trying one more time before sighing and placing the chopsticks on the table with force. "Stupid long sticks, so useless. The people in Korean drama use it so effortlessly."

"That's because they have been using it since childhood. For you, it's been 10 minutes." I muttered, almost finishing the Maggi in my plate. "Hurry up and eat it Ziv." I pointed at her full plate.

Zivah groaned and picked up the fork, finally eating the Maggi.

"So about you and Lucas." I started.

"You don't have to worry about it." Zivah said, looking at me with guilt. "It didn't mean anything. Really."

I breathed out, shaking my head. "Somehow that doesn't make me feel better."

Zivah looked down. "I know. I should have told you about it. I shouldn't have done it. Sorry."

I pressed my lips together, not quite understanding what thoughts came in her brain. "What about Seb?"

She didn't reply immediately so I patiently waited for her to get her mind straight. "His family is a bit difficult."

I raised my eyebrows. "Difficult how?"

Zivah sighed and leaned back against the chair, staring at the fork she was holding. "Well, you know Cinderella's stepmother?"

"Um yes." I answered in confusion.

"His mother is like that, just a little worse."

I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly. "So Seb has a stepmother?"

Zivah shook her head. "That would have been better. It's his own mother that is a bitch."

"Oh." I blinked, not knowing what to reply to that. "So she doesn't like you?"

"She doesn't like Seb."

"Hmm." I muttered, pretending to understand and analyze the situation. "So if Seb is Cinderella then why don't you be the Prince Charming?"

Zivah pressed her lips into a flat smile. "You see that's the issue. For me to be the Prince Charming, Cinderella must first leave his shoe behind."

"But you already know his identity." I pointed out, this whole talk in the context of idioms was starting to annoy me.

Zivah huffed, sending me a glare. "That's not the point."

"Then what is?"

"That for me to be the Prince Charming, he should be a Damsel in Distress first. How can I save someone who doesn't want to be saved?"

My mouth formed an 'O' as I finally fathomed what she meant. "That is an issue."

Zivah rolled her eyes, stuffing her mouth with Maggi irately.

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