6.1. Were you two dating?

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Dividing this chapter into two parts as it was pretty big.

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Chapter  6.1. Were you two dating?

Zivah avoided or was it me who avoided her, I didn't really know. We hadn't seen other for almost a week now. And I had spent more than two hours silently tearing up in my Panda blanket over it.

This was the longest we hadn't talked to each other. Even if one of us went home, we made it a point to message or just call at least once every day. And here, living in the same flat, magically our timings would differ.

If I could hear her shuffling around in the kitchen, I stayed in my room. And if she heard me moving around, she wouldn't dare come out. Fortunately my weeks were super busy so I was barely ever in the flat.

I did occasionally find pancakes or fruits on a plate for me and that made me smile with tears in my eyes. Gosh how I missed that rotten woman!

A part of me couldn't face Zivah because I was afraid of how she would react and what truth or lie would be conjure about Alex and herself. Another part of me waited for her to take the first step, to come and talk to me, to explain herself.

I guess it came with me being alone most of my life, I just didn't know how to mend broken relations.

Now it was Saturday and I was staring at the plain ceiling, legs spread on my head and wondering when was the last time I had cleaned my room. Probably a month back.

Maybe I should do it now? Could help take my mind off negative thoughts.

Or maybe tomorrow?

Or maybe never?

Lord, save me from procrastination.

My brother was right, I wouldn't ever achieve anything if I kept procrastinating. Guess, I'll just have to wait and see that.

There hadn't been a single call or a message from Alex Bianchi, the worthless billionaire. He had popped up one night at an oddly hour, almost kissed me and then disappeared.

There hadn't been any news on him either. Yes, I had enabled notifications for news about him. I felt that affected. Pathetic? I know.

Alex hadn't eaten at any high-fi restaurants, hadn't attended any parties, hadn't gone for any dates and hadn't taken his private jet for a fun ride. Paparazzi knew it all but they weren't doing a good job this week.

I need tea, I thought to myself. Climbing out of the bed and yawning.

Really Myra? You literally just woke up and you are already sleepy.

I leaned towards the door, straining my ears to hear any movement but all I heard was silence. Maybe Zivah had work today.

I opened the door and immediately glanced at the door next to me, it was shut. I padded to the kitchen with a sigh, making enough noise so she would know I was up and in the hall.

I made myself some tea, brushed my teeth and grabbed my half read Game of Thrones book – Fire and Blood. Somehow I couldn't concentrate on it, my eyes kept drifting back to the shut door.

I hadn't heard a single sound for over 20 minutes now. Was she still sleeping? She usually woke up early. Is she unwell? Fever maybe? Or she fainted from dehydration?

Should I open the door and peek? Maybe she needs my help. Or maybe she is simply ignoring me and staying quiet, surfing through Instagram.

I groaned, my head aching with all the over thinking.

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