7. We were hacked. Again.

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Suffering from Writer's block and I hate it! Do you know any way to get over it?

Posting these chapters that I wrote some time back, but edited them. Hope you like it.

Please drop a star and comment, that truly inspires me and I need that now!

Thank you so much!!

Chapter 7. We were hacked. Again.

I knew I should have called for Dora when a handsome man with glinting eyes entered the library. Since that day my life has never been the same. I haven't had this much action and excitement in my entire life compared to what I have been through in this one month.

"I hope you like Mexican." Alex said, not sparing me a glance as he took out the packed food and proceeded to serve both of us.

He looked so domestic, a sight I never thought I would see.

Wearing jeans that clung to his gorgeous fit butt and arms flexing deliciously as he served and moved around flawlessly. This was every woman's dream, except maybe mine.

Eh, whom am I kidding. I loved what I saw.

"Shut up!" I muttered to my own brain, ignoring his smirk. I waited for him to sit first so that I could pick a place farthest from him.

Unfortunately he knew exactly my thoughts so he widened his smirk, the mirth so evident on his face. "You sit first."

I threw a stink eye in his direction, making my irritation clear. "Whatever."

I sat on the chair away from the couch. A single chair that could fit only one person.

He winked at me, expecting my move. He came closer and before I could comprehend what he was doing, he had picked up the whole chair.

I squeaked out in terror, shocked at his actions. "What the fuck are you doing?" I gripped on the chair arms, afraid I would fall and break my leg. Didn't really care about his leg.

"Bringing you closer." His reply made me even more irritated.

He finally kept the chair down, right next to the couch and sat on it. Smiling at the anger so evident on my face.

"Get lost." I spat, leaning away from him, clinging on the farther chair arm.

He shrugged, indifferent to my annoyance. He picked up the remote and started surfing on his Netflix. "So what do you wanna watch?"

"Anything but your face." I muttered under my breath.

"You are the only woman other than my mother who isn't afraid of me." Alex's voice held a hint of pride.

"What's your point?"

Alex shook his head. "Are you into women?"

I spurted out air, my eyes widening as I looked at him with incredulity. "Are you mad?" I shouted. "What makes you think that?"

Alex stepped back, now looking apologetic. "I just thought."

"Well what made you think that?" I never thought I'd be having this conversation with anyone much less Alex Bianchi. I couldn't even think what behaviour of mine prompted him to come to this ridiculous conclusion.

"So you are not?"

"No." I clarified, resisting the urge to slap him. "I am all for supporting LGBT rights and I totally love woman and even find some attractive but that doesn't mean I want to marry or have sex with one."

"Well let's start a movie." He turned to the TV, ignoring the topic he himself started.

"Not so fast Mr. Bianchi." I walked in front of him, blocking his view. "Answer me first."

Hacked Hearts (Completed)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon