30. You are the only one who has my attention Hacker Girl.

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This is a really long chapter and one of my favorite ones.

So please vote and comment for my efforts, I edited this over 5 times.

Chapter 30.

You are the only one who has my attention Hacker Girl.


"So you remember my roommate right?"

I nodded, a smile already appearing on my face. I loved to hear the stories about Evan and his roommate - Calvin, they would play endless pranks on each other and I would end up laughing hysterically at their ideas.

Evan grinned. "So he is very possessive about his stuff. He hardly lets anyone touch his products, including soap and toothpaste."

My eyes widened, a little excited about this prank. "What did you do?"

Evan leaned back casually, smirking to himself. "I covered his soap in nail polish and now it doesn't lather and he keeps complaining about it. And then using super glue I stuck his toothpaste to the holder so when he went to brush yesterday morning, he spent over 15 minutes just trying to get the toothpaste out."

I chuckled, shaking my head.

"Oh and the toothpaste was stuck upside down. And it wasn't closed."

My jaw dropped. "You mean the toothpaste dripped when he started to pull it out?"

Evan nodded, a huge fat grin on his face. "Yes! He spent another 15 minutes cleaning the toothpaste holder."

"You are evil." I said, imaging the scene and laughing harder.

"Oh I have one more." Evan turned to me, grabbing some popcorn from the table and eating it.

I rubbed my hands in excitement. "Tell me."

Evan chewed on the popcorn speedily. "So he has a fear of lizards, he just hates them. Can't even look at them even if it's in a movie."

I shuddered in disgust. "I hate them too. They are creepy."

"I should do this to you."

"Don't you dare." I warned him, narrowing my eyes at him. "I know you fear spiders. I'll set them off on you."

Evan's eyes widened in fear. "You wouldn't dare."

I smirked. "Don't test me. You fear them not me."

Evan sighed. "Fine. So I know he hates lizards. I printed out over a hundred papers of various disgusting looking lizards and stuck them all over his ceiling and window. It took him hours to remove them and even then he can't sleep on the bed because he fears they are watching him from above and will come eat him."

I shook my head. "You mean guy."

"Hey, it was fun for me!"

"That is why you are mean." I pointed out.

Evan rolled his eyes. "Oh please you would have enjoyed this if it was spiders and I was the one suffering."

I shrugged. "Point taken. So does he not retaliate?"

Evan groaned. "Of course he does. All my white t-shirts are now pink dyed. And there is chewing gum stuck on my pillows."

I laughed out, gasping for breath. "You two are such cuties."

Evan winched back. "Don't call me a cutie."

I waved him away, still laughing hard. "I can imagine you wearing a baby pink t-shirt and walking on the streets with your messy hair flapping in the wind."

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