10. What I should have done the first time I met you.

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Chapter 10. What I should have done the first time I met you.

It has been more than 4 months since the hack and we seem to be no close to getting the hacker. And every time we think we might have found a clue, we end up rendering it useless.

Most of the nights most of us don't even have time to get home and sleep, new couches are sanctioned in the next room for us to sleep if needed. All of us are working hard and while one was fired, two of them left the job tired of the relentless hours. I couldn't blame them either. I couldn't remember the last time I had slept properly and had a whole day to myself.

It was around 11 in the night when I finally got home. I had asked for a leave the next day on account of Zivah's birthday.

With our job timings clashing, we barely had time to talk and we had promised each other to give ourselves this one day. The plan was simple, sleep till 12 in the noon and then bake a cake and then go our favorite club with a couple of friends and dance the night and all our worries away.

Only if I knew that was far from happening.

At exactly 12 o'clock I was outside Zivah's room, with a bright smile in my minion night suit and three cupcakes on a plate that I got from the bakery Alex had first taken me to. I knew Zivah would love those cupcakes.

"Zivah?" I shouted knocking loudly, wondering if she had slept. But she wasn't the type to sleep on her own birthday. She loved to make a big fuss out of it.

I strained to hear anything but no sound came. You better be dressed, I muttered to myself as I turned the door handle.

"You have got to be kidding me." I said aloud as I saw the empty bed, the blanket thrown to the side and the window open.

I shook my head, wondering where on earth this girl could be without informing her best friend. Death on her birthday, sounds fun!

I stuffed the cupcakes back in the box as I dialed her number.


She did not just send me to voicemail.

I tried again for three times until a cloud of worry actually started to wrap around me, she couldn't disappear without telling me about it. And not receiving my calls rarely happened. It was her day off so I knew she wasn't in the hotel.

Taking a deep breath, I dialed the hotel number. "Hey hi, is Zivah working tonight?"

"No, it's her day off."

"Could you tell me when she left today?"

"Who are you?" the voice now sounded snobby.

"Her sister, Myra."

"Oh. Um, wait a second." After a few seconds she continued. "Her log out time is at 5.45pm."

I sighed. "Thanks!"

As I cut the call, I once again muttered to myself. "Where the hell are you Zivah?"

Seeing no other option, I called the one person I had successfully avoided for four months.

"Hey Alex."

"Myra?" he seemed so taken aback by my call. I couldn't even blame him, every time he had tried to talk to me, I had managed to somehow escape and ignore him.

"Uh yes, hi. How are you?"

"Fine, did you need something?" I guess he wasn't interested in small talk.

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