Chapter 3: Maybe

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I can't really think straight for the past weeks. I've been really concerned-curious rather about Bright's whereabouts. I wanted to know if he ate already, if he has a shoot to do for that day or whatever his plans are.

I can't help but to be curious, but at the same time, I don't want to be nosy and be a pushover for the attraction I have for him.

It's all in my head, I know that.

Prelims and midterms came so fast. I barely notice it because it's either I was busy studying or hanging out with Sinee and sometimes with Bright more often.

He would sometimes escape a shoot he doesn't like to do just to eat something he craves or just chill with Sinee and I.

Sinee on the other hand has been really suspicious about how Bright changed his mood when he's with us. I guess he's really just comfortable now hanging out with us rather than entertaining his so called fans in the university.

"How come Bright is so nice to you lately?" Sinee asked after Bright gave us some snacks before our next class then he left for a meeting with some magazines.

"Is he?" I asked like I don't know anything.

But deep inside, my 6 foot tall flirty gay self is rejoicing for these snacks!

Calm your tits, Win!

I may think like this but my parents don't know about my sexuality. It has always been a taboo topic for the whole family since my cousin came out of his closet three years ago. He was condemned like he was not human and all of his achievements academically were put into waste. I was traumatized- horrified by the thought of coming out to my parents only to be disappointed by them.

I haven't thought about it in a long time but what if I came out one day and my parents won't look at me the same?

"Win! Win!" Sinee shouted pulling me out of my little bubble of what if. "I have been calling you for a while now, mister!" he joked and tapped my shoulder.

"Sorry... What was that again?"

"I said if you're free on Saturday? I have an appointment with my dentist and I'm thinking of watching a movie or maybe do some shopping."

"I see..."

"You see, what? So are you free?" she asked once again and I quickly agreed. I don't have anything to do anyway. Exams are now done so I have free time for the weekend.

"Good! I'll pick you up, send me your address." she winked at me before sitting straight because our professor arrived exactly when we finished talking.

It's a thursday but it's a miracle no one gave us any homeworks or topics to study. We are all free from all those stuffs, I guess until next week. I just wish my results in the exam are fine.

I came home a little past five and I decided to take a shower immediately before going for an afternoon jog.

With my black shirt and shorts, partnered with a black running shoes, I went out of our house to start my routine.

I stretched for a few minutes, walked then finally decided to jog. I checked my smart watch for my heart rate before I continue running.

I passed by our neighbors' houses until I reached a modern black and white house that belongs to Bright. I wonder if he's there?

I saw no sign of life in their house so I continued running until I reached the basketball court just beside the club house.

There I saw four guys playing basketball. They are all shirtless and were left nothing but shorts and their shoes.

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