Chapter 30: Closure

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I was stunned for a few minutes as he got in his car and started the ignition. I thought he's going to leave me there for good but his car moved a little just enough to stop in front of me. His windows went down as he looked at me with those pair of brown eyes.

"Get in." he said full of authority and his eyes never left me.

I swallowed the lump in my throat as I tried to process the things that he just said.

"Win please get in..." he pleaded as he opened the door for me from the inside.

He left me with no choice so I got in and decided to leave without bothering our family driver about it. I just simply sent a text to my Mom and told her that I'm on my way and she can use the car anytime.

I heaved a sigh as I kept my phone inside my bag. I rest my head on the window without uttering a single word to him.

It's weird that after five years I still feel uneasy whenever he's still around. I don't find comfort in him like before but something inside me wanted to have that and I don't even know why.

His words earlier pierced right through me and I know he only stated facts. I know that what he said is true; that what we have is indeed love. I agree with him on that because if it isn't love, I wouldn't try to protect him at all cost even if it means breaking myself... I wouldn't step back and left Thailand for him and his family's sake if I don't truly love him.

I have loved him with all that I got with no inhibitions reserved. I have loved him enough for me to think of his sake whenever and wherever we are. I have been really considerate of him when we were still together. I understood his hectic schedule and his situation despite the longingness I felt when I needed him in the past. I respected his decisions and considered everything that can make or unmake his name. I have never wanted to harm him. I have never wanted to leave him... but was it too selfish of me that I left for my own sake? Was it too selfish of me to leave without even saying goodbye despite the fact that he's now engaged and I can't do anything about it?

"Why are you so quiet?" the man beside me finally spoke, pulling me out of my deep thoughts.

I breathed and looked at him as I played with the zipper of my bag.

"Nothing..." I faked a smile as I bit my lip.

"You're lying." he directly said as he glanced at me before taking his eyes back on the road. "I'm sorry if you feel uncomfortable sitting in my car. I just... thought that we should have a good talk without your boyfriend around."

I smirked and shook my head because of the ridiculous word he said.

"I don't do boyfriends anymore, Bright." I confessed and pain dripped inside me like acid.

"What happened to you?" he asked and I saw how his grip tightened from the steering wheel. His car speed up and I tried not to be scared but he's driving really fast.

"Bright slow down..." I pointed out but he didn't listen. "You can't wait to drop me off huh?" I said my thoughts out loud and I immediately regret it!

He stirred the wheel sideways and in just a drop of a hat, his car went to a stop and parked beside the road.

"Why are you always thinking that I don't like you?" he hissed and I don't know where did I get my courage to speak up.

"Because you really don't, Bright. You don't like me."

"What the hell is wrong with you Win!?"

"You really want to know?" I weakly said and faced him properly. "I was hurt. I was hurt and it changed me completely that I can't even recognize the person that I have become. I see guys now as a toy... I see them as someone that shouldn't be taken seriously because even I hate to admit it, the old Metawin inside me is scared to fall for a person again. I'm scared that I will be once again treated like trash. "

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