Chapter 35: Crazy Rich Asian

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My feet was glued on the floor as I stared at the closed doors of the lift. I couldn't even move a muscle as tears streamed down my cheeks. The unbearable pain that I felt that was caused by a misunderstanding is now back at it with much more intensity.

I touched my chest just to check if my heart is still beating and indeed it is still there but the pain won't go away. I lost count on how many times I tried to find comfort from others while I'm trying to forget about him and it took him just a few weeks to get me back but once again, we were separated by a misunderstanding.

Now I understand why relationships end; it is because of lack of communication and consistency in that given time frame. They lack rationality as their feelings dominated them and I know the feeling of not wanting to see reasons because I was once there. I was once in the dark but... my ray of light found me. He shined brightly that it helped me get rid of the pain of the past.

I bit my lip as I walked towards my unit. I pushed the door open and saw Luke sitting on the floor while his hands were on his head- as if everything was just setting in on him.

He saw me as I walked towards the living room to get my phone and went straight to the kitchen to calm myself.

I took a deep breath as I pulled myself together and decided to call Bright. It was ringing for a few times until he declined the call. I tried a few more times but he ignored it all.

I know Bright too well and I know we can't possibly have a clear conversation without shouting at each other. For the past weeks I have known how we are when we fight- both of us are being driven by our egos and no one isn't backing down. Pride has driven us to the point of blindness and I couldn't risk it more if I will talk to him now with his judgment still clouded by his misconceptions.

I heaved a sigh as I composed a message for him. I don't want to let him get away again. I swore last night that I will keep him as long as he wants me to. He wished that I would like him back again but I haven't got the chance to say it to him because of the given circumstances.

I know that bringing Luke here in my unit is a wrong decision but going to his unit is even more worse given that he tried to make his way into me earlier by forcing me.

To: Bright

You misunderstood everything. Please talk to me and I will explain everything. Then you can decide whether to keep me or not.

I hit send as I grabbed a glass and poured some water into it.

"Win..." it's Luke.

"We are not having this conversation now. Leave." I coldly said as acid dripped in my system and I found no remorse for doing so.

I can't totally blame him for doing that kind of thing because indeed we are just fck buddies who are used to each other's benefits but the given situation doesn't need lust as of the moment. He thought kissing me then and there would change my mind but I guess he thought wrong.

No one and absolutely no one should be forced to love and be obligated. To love is to express one's feelings with freedom. To love is to give something that you haven't given to anybody.

But I also realized that to love also means pain with it. To love means sacrifices for both parties. To love is to suffer the consequences of one's decision.

"Win, I-I'm so sorry... I didn't mean to do that. I-I was just clouded by my anger and strong desire to keep you."

I shook my head as I looked at him.

"Luke I brought you here to talk and clear things out- hoping that we can end this arrangement in good terms and I know this will hurt you but I didn't expect you to be that low." I said with full disappointment in my voice.

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