Chapter 55: Maybe In Another Life

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This is the last chapter of TER. Thank you for making it this far and I also have to thank you for loving my own version of Bright and Metawin. This genre is all new to me but I'm just glad a lot of you enjoyed it, so thank you!

Next is epilogue.


My hands won't stop trembling as I sat there anticipating Aziel's return. I had to clasp my hands together just to control myself from shaking. I have never felt fear like this before. I have never felt so troubled and vulnerable. I had no inhibitions nor fear earlier when I faced Luna but seeing how Aziel pulled the trigger of that gun in front of me without having second thoughts sent shivers down my spine.

I repeatedly breathed to control my nerves until I relaxed for a bit. I bit my lip to suppress everything and only hope for my safety. I only hope that Bright would trace me here or else, I don't know if I'll come out of here alive.

Minutes, hours, I don't know how long I waited until I heard the clicking of the door. Aziel returned with a cheerful smile on his face but his eyes radiated pure obsession towards me. I swallowed the lump in my throat as he walked towards me and got the chair beside me before sitting in front.

"Boys please clean the blood here!" he shouted without leaving my eyes. He smiled at me even more as he caressed my face.

It didn't take long until three tall guys came inside the room and wiped the blood of his sister. I am horrified and disgusted by the thought of Aziel killing her own sister but I am also confused how they became siblings.

"Are you okay now?" he gently asked and I decided to play along for my safety. I wouldn't dare try to get on his nerves because I know now what he's capable of doing.

I nodded and tried to give him a timid smile even though my insides are trembling in fear.

"I-I'm fine now." I answered and looked at his eyes only to see the eyes of a man who is willing to do anything to get what he wants. The determination in his eyes was very evident and I don't know what to think about him anymore.

"Are you sure? Are you hungry?" he asked and I almost vomited with his choice of words. It seems like he's seeing this situation as something that is normal!

"M-My hands hurt..." I pleaded and he nodded before gently getting a small knife on his side. My eyes widened and my heart beat raced like it's being chased by a dog!

He smirked at my reaction before he pointed the knife on my feet and slowly cut the rope that's keeping me from moving.

"Let's walk to the other room. You can eat and rest there. Don't worry, I won't hurt you." he smiled and disheveled my hair before gently pulling me on my feet.

I almost tumbled down because I can't feel my feet anymore. Making me move right away is not a good idea and this psycho beside me thinks that killing a person is normal and I can ignore that right away!

I might have hated Luna but I never wished someone dead just because I don't like them or things did not go my way! Whatever the curcumstances may be, I will never want someone dead nor think about it at the very least!

Aziel dragged me out of that room and I saw dimmed lights on the hallway as we walked through the familiar corridor of my building until we reached my office. He faced me and brushed my face before smiling at me.

"Don't worry about anything, okay? Just do what I want you to do and everything will be fine." I nodded like an abused child and I immediately saw satisfaction on his face. "I forgot to tell you... there is someone waiting for you inside."

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