Chapter 42: Whipped

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I can't stop smiling as I played the video of his interview over and over again. I shook my head to erase the smug look in my face but I just can't! I know I told him before to keep our relationship a secret but I already learned. I already know that regardless of your sexual orientation, whether you do something or do nothing at all, people will always say something just to satisfy their craving to judge.

Right now, I can't help but to be selfish and let him do what he wants - do what I really wanted for him to do for a very long time.

"Win," mom said pulling me out of my reverie and when I looked at her, I saw how she stared at me with so much judgment in her eyes. "You look like you won in a lottery. How much is it?"

"Mom!" I shouted and she laughed at me.

"Son you've been watching that video for the nth time already. What is that about?" she asked and sat beside me.

I was like a little girl caught lying to her parents when I showed her the video. Dad also joined us and they quietly watched the video then looked at me with so much malice in their eyes.

"Hmm... a couple is going public." Mom started and my eyes widened as I got my phone back from her.


"So when is the wedding?"

"Daddy!" I screamed and they laughed in unison. What the hell is wrong with these people!?

"We're kidding." Dad smirked and touched my hair. "Be sure to be responsible with your actions, Win. From here on, you will receive unnecessary comments from his fans and even from his family."

I bit my lip and nodded. I already know that.

"Can you handle that?" Mom asked and I bravely nodded.

"I learned the hard way mom. They won't really matter to me now. I've been out of my closet for so long and homophobic remarks don't really matter to me now."

"That's my son." Mom proudly said as she kissed my cheek. "You've grown into a very strong man, Metawin."

"Thank you Mom." I smiled and I saw how her heart melted through her eyes.

"Be strong okay? We don't really care about your sexuality but we just don't want to see you getting hurt." Mom reminded and I nodded.

"Win, do you need supplies of rubbers?" Dad bluntly said and my eyes widened.

"Mike! Your words please!" Mom shrieked while my Dad and I laughed together.

"Wilhelmina, Metawin's sex life is very active ever since he was in States. Have you seen the guys he had invited over in his penthouse-"


"My God! Boys and their swords! Ugh! I'm out of this topic!" she rolled her eyes at Dad and started to walk to the door. "I'm buying food for us. Mike please do not teach Metawin sex positions!"

"Well, I can't really promise that-"

"I hate you!" she shouted and both of us laughed because of my Mom's reactions.

Dad kept on talking to me about what really happened that day and I basically told him everything - well not the dramatic scenes in my head and the banging in the room but just the things we did before and after that.

"Son I need you to keep safe and be mindful of the people around you. I need you to bring the bodyguards with you at all times until we catch who did this okay?" he gently reminded me and I nodded.

"I'm honestly terrified about what happened Dad. It's nerve wracking to know that there's someone out there who wants me dead."

"I understand Win. That's why I need you to be careful. We will stay here in Thailand for the meantime as we went through the investigation and keep an eye on you."

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