Chapter 24: Flight

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I woke up the next day feeling empty. Something within me changed and I don't know what that is. It's a Sunday and I don't have classes. I wanted to check on my phone but I'm scared and I don't know what to expect.

For the first time in my life, I am scared for the things that I don't have knowledge of. I'm scared of what ifs and could have been's.

"Win get yourself together! You have schoolworks to do!"

I told myself as I got up and did my morning routine. So much for being all sweet and clingy. I need to pull myself back on track. No one will do that for me - not even him.

I ignored the hollowness inside me as I walked around my room. I got my laptop and some papers that I need to do before settling on the balcony.

The morning air welcomed me and the chirping birds made me feel at ease for a second.

I heaved a sigh and let out all the negativity that has been eating me slowly. I shouldn't think about what happened last night. That voice sounded like Luna. It was her, I am sure. What I'm not sure is if she's telling the truth or not.

I bit my lip to suppress my feelings and to get things done quickly.

I was searching for an article about procurement when my phone suddenly ring. I looked at it and saw Bright calling.

With a heavy heart, though I don't want to admit that, I decided to take the call.

I let the back of my phone rest on a flower vase and I instantly saw Bright's smiling face. He's in his room.

His room...

"Good morning my love!" he cheerfully said.

I gave him a timid smile and avoided his gaze. I focused on the thing I'm searching for before he called.

"Good morning." I dryly said and I already hate myself from doing so. I hate this feeling- whatever this is! "You have a lot of endearment to me huh?" I said just to lift the mood... or my mood.

"I can think of a hundred more names for my Metawin." he bragged and smiled at me.

I pouted and avoided him once again.

"What's up?" I asked while reading a presentation I found.

"Is my baby busy?" he asked and I nodded. "Is it a wrong time for me to call?"

"No it's totally fine. I just have to do this because the due date is tomorrow. We can talk while I'm doing this." I replied without looking at him.

"Metawin... look at me." he commanded and it was hard for me to oblige but also hard for me to resist.

What the hell is wrong with me!

I looked at him and smiled... a fake one.

"Is something wrong?" he gently said and I shook my head.

I'm afraid that I will start throwing questions and I will sound like a paranoid boyfriend. Besides, he doesn't have to tell me everything that he's doing. Not that I don't care but I just don't want to sound so pushy.

"Baby sorry I haven't called the whole day. I was in a shoot for Calvin Klein." he informed and I nodded. "Are you mad at me?"

"No... why would I be mad?"

I don't know if that question is for him or for me. Goddammit Win! Pull yourself together!

"Are you sure? Something is wrong with you... Are you sure you're okay?"

I breathed and mustered all the courage I can get as I gave all my attention to him.

"Do you want to tell me anything?" I asked.

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