Chapter 33: Milk And Cookies

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Warning: Read at your own risk. Kiddie meals (below 18), you may skip this chapter. 😂

I got out of the building and quickly took one of my cars as I drove off to get Bright. He's been drinking all this time? And he even got into a fight!

Images of Bright covered with blood spread within my system and tried really hard to ignore it. Bright has never been that violent even before. I've known him as a very playful person that would rather make you crazy than to have a fist fight with you.

It took me half an hour to reach Frolic Room located along LA. I quickly pulled over when I parked my car and got out of it.

"Hi, I'm Metawin. My friend Bright is in there and I'm here to fetch him." I said to the man in front of the entrance and he immediately let me in.

I checked on the time and it's already past twelve midnight. I didn't know time passed by that fast when all I did was to take a shower and think about everything that has been happening to me- decision to make, people I should choose to stay and let go.

I surveyed the whole place and saw a lot of people drinking like there was no fight that has happened in this place.

"This way sir." said the man who guided me until we reach a table where Bright is holding a glass of liquor in his hand while his other hand was covered with a piece of cloth but blood stained the whole thing that made something inside me turned.

I heaved a sigh as I went to where Bright is seated and faced him.

"Bright..." I gently said as I took the glass away from him.

He lift his face to look at me and now that I stared at him longer than usual, I can see his bloodshot eyes, dark circles below them and a little cut on the side of his lip.

"What are you doing here?" he asked and pouted like a kid before taking the glass again from me.

"Bright stop drinking." I said as I tried to take the glass away from him but he's way too fast and drank everything in a split second.

He was about to pour himself another drink when I took the bottle away and placed it on the other table.

"Win! I'm drinking!" He growled.

As if that would scare me.

"What happened to him?" I asked the man who's still standing next to us.

"Uh... sir, your boyfriend was silently drinking when a man bumped into him while passing through and sir Bright asked the man what's his problem and the next thing we know is that he's fighting alone against the man and his two other friends."

I heaved a sigh before nodding. I thanked the man and dismissed him as I faced Bright again.

"Let's go home?" I gently asked and I don't even know why I'm being like this to him. "Or do you want to go the hospital first?"

He shook his head as he avoided my gaze and stared at his glass for a while.

I have never seen him like this and it bothers me to see or even think that he's been doing this oftenly.

"Why?" he asked out of nowhere and I know for sure that he's drunk.

"Bright you're drunk... come let's go home." I said as I got off my seat and took his arm.

"One more drink?" he pleaded like a child and snaked his arm on my waist. "Baby one more drink..."

"No." I firmly said and he pouted even more.

Stop pouting! You look like an animated squid!

"You always say no." he replied as he got off his seat. "Bright no... you don't have to do this Bright... stop it Bright... pssh!"

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