Chapter 27: Acquaintances

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My phone loudly rang first day in the morning that caused both of us to wake up. I ran my fingers through my hair as I got up and quickly reached for my phone.

"Hello?" I started, still half asleep.

I immediately felt Luke's arms on my abdomen as he pulled my back against his naked chest. He placed a kiss on my shoulder up to my neck so I tilted my head a bit to give him the space he wants.

I don't know but I really like neck kisses.

"Win where are you?" Mom's voiced came from the other line.

"Mom what's up?" I asked.

"What's up? Win you and Luke have a meeting and a photoshoot today with the models of the largest modeling agency need I remind you!" she shouted and my sleepy self woke up from the bed of laziness.

"Yeah mom I know..."

"Win your appointment is at ten o'clock!"

"Mom you're so loud..." I whined and leaned on Luke's chest. My head is pounding!

"Metawin it's quarter to nine and I haven't heard anything from you since this morning. Have you gone drinking again?"

Right. My rest day is over.

"Yeah I was with Luke."

"Hi Mom!" Luke cheerfully said and I immediately looked at him with pure shock and annoyance.

"Oh my God..." Mom weakly said like she can't fathom how much energy I used last night. Luke and I chuckled when we heard my Mom's exasperated sigh. "Metawin please start moving now so you can meet our models in time. We have a collection waiting for someone to wear them. "

"I understand mom." I smiled and bid my goodbye before dropping the call.

"Should we go?" he asked and I nodded before getting out of his bed.

I showered first before him. It took me not more than twenty minutes and I quickly got out of the bathroom with just a towel on.

I saw the door of his room was opened and smelled food. He must be cooking our breakfast again.

I opened his closet and saw some of my clothes there. During the three years we've been together as... well, friends, I often stay at his place and decided to leave some clothes here whenever I have things to do the following day.

"Babe are you done?" Luke shouted from outside.

"Yeah just grabbing some clothes to wear." I replied.

"You don't need that! I prefer you naked!" he shamelessly shouted and I can't help but laugh at his words. He's very witty when it comes to conservations like this.

After a little while, I managed to wear a white crisp button down shirt, dark jeans and a pair of tan colored shoes.

I went out of the room and saw Luke in his usual polo shirt and jeans attire. He's facing the pan in front of him and his wide back welcomed me as I sat on the counter.

When he sensed me behind him, he immediately looked at me and smiled.

"Do you have a hangover?" he asked and I nodded as I got one of the mugs that has coffee in it. I took a sip in it

It didn't take long until he served me with a plate full of scrambled egg, bacon, mashed potato and a bowl of mushroom soup.

"Husband material." I teased and he smirked at me before taking the seat beside me.

"My Metawin is starting to fall for me huh?" he teased and the endearment pushed the wrong buttons inside me.

"Joke's on you Luke." I sarcastically said as I got the spoon. "Also, stop calling me 'my Metawin'. That endearment sucks."

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