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We appeared in the middle of nowhere and judging by the very low temperatures. We are in the cold desert. We look around , to see if there is any sign that can help us find our way around. Well this is great, we forgot to ask how we will find the witch's domain.

"Dont worry , I am way ahead of you on that." A voice speaks.

I look around to find whoever said that but to my luck, I did not find anyone.

"You look stupid, looking absolutely at nothing." speaks the voice again. This is when I realise the voice is in my heard and it sounds a bit familiar.

"Of course, I sound familiar. I am Thomas, duh!!!!" the voice nswers my thoughts again.

Realisation dawns on me and I ask my next words "What are you doing in my head and how can you do that?"

"Well I figured you guys are clueless on where to find the witch and I decided to have a telepathy connection spell on between you and me. I have the book of maps here and I can direct you on how to."He explains

"But why my head, now you will be invading my privacy, why couldnt you go into Aedion's head afterall he is the reason why we are all doing this?"I whine

"Because your boyfriend is like a closed book, his mind is closed off and besides your thoughts are are much more entertaining."He responds whilst chuckling

I mentally growl at him "Just do your job abd stop searching through my head."

"Why in the world do you look like you are going crazy?" Aedion suddenly asks.

I look at him with wide innocent eyes , realising I am looking stupid and insane having a conversation with Thomas.

"Because I am having a conversation."I shrug

Aedion raises an eyebrow , looking at me as if I grew two horns on my head.

"By yourself?"He questions

"Should I tell him?"I ask Thomas

"Not yet, he should not know we are using telepathy . I will explain later." He says

I sigh and answer Aedion"Nothing I was having a conversation with myself, I guess." I shrug

"Why would you do that?"He asks again which is getting very irritating now.

"Because sometimes I need expert advice."I rudely respond

I hear the professor snicker a bit in my head

Aedion folds his arms as he glares at me

"Dont ever answer me like that ever again."He commands me

I roll my eyes as I respond "Or what?"

Aedion by now looks like a boiling kettle thats about to whistle. He stomps towards me as I fold my arms and stand my ground. As he was about to say something a firm voice shouted "STOP!!"

In which was the Professor. I back down and move away from Aedion and I leave him walking away probably going to cool off.

"Okay now what?Can we get started on the journey?" I ask the Professor impatiently

He sighs and says "You guys should follow the path of thr crystal pixies."

I turn three hundred and sixty degrees looking for what in the moon goddess name did this old man mean.

"I am only a thousand years old."He answers my thoughts again

I roll my eys "Dont read my thoughts."I shout at him

A PASSION FOR REVENGE (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now