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We turn and find a silhouette standing close to a mirror and starring into a what I think is a crystal ball. As for the woman, I cannot clearly see her because she is in the darkest part of the room.

"We are looking for a witch, that-

"I know what or who you are looking for." The female silhouette cuts Aedion.

The silhouette looks up from the crystal ball and start walking towards the other only object in the room , the throne. As she glides across the room , I keep my eyes on her anxious to see how she looks. She moves with so much grace and confidence. She can just make you feel intimidated by the way she holds her herself. As she reaches the brighter part of the room, where the throne was, her appearance starts illuminating bit by bit until she finally stands before the throne.

First and for most, this woman is the only one with a different colour from everything and everyone here. Secondly, she is the only living creature here, the rest of the castle people here are ice or crystal people, whatever they are considered to be here.

This woman is wearing all black from head to toe. From the crown to the shoes.

The only different colour on her was the pale whiteness of her skin and the white of her hair, other than that this woman loves black. She is beautiful though, I have to give her credit for that. What entices me more about her is her crown. It is a beautiful masterpiece of art. It has five moons in the middle, all of them half black and white and all with different positions of how the moon moves. The middle back of the moons and the sides of the crown have somethings that looked like wings. Then there were chains that fell from each side to the middle part of her head and connect to a small circle that looked like an eye.

As I move on to her dressing, she had a black choker that looked lacy in a way. Then her dress was a simple black strapless V neck ball gown that reached exactly on the ankles and lastly her shoes were black boots, that had a pointed front and a black block heel, probably was about four to five centimetres long. Her face had thin lips painted black with her eyes having makeup with black cracks on her cheeks that looked like dripping mascara from crying or rain. She looked really stunning, well in a gothic way though. I secretly admired her look, it's not really my style but it would not hurt to try it out.

"I am Queen Davinela of the ice kingdom and I am also the one that you seek." she introduces herself

Aedion and I look at each other as he asks "So how do you know why we are here?"

She side smiles as she replies

"My child, I see, hear and know all that happens in the Kova realm especially when it is about the leaders." She specifies the last part looking at Aedion

He looks away and he looks at me

"And you my child, I must commend you for coming on this journey knowing fully well that you will be the one who will end up hurt; you are of noble character and know your worth by not forcing things. I must confirm most girls would lose themselves and their dignity trying to get their mate especially if he is a hunk like this one." She says as she looks at Aedion and brush her hand along his jawline.

My wolf mentally growls lowly. We are already getting a bad vibe from this woman and I really don't like her not one bit she smells trouble.

Aedion flinches away from her and gets to the point.

"So can we already do the process, I have a kingdom that has gone too long without their king. I now need to go back." He reasons

The witch or Davinela slightly glares at Aedion' s resistance.

"I will help you guys with your little situation but on one condition. "She looks at us in sinister way.

I gulp as Aedion asks "What is it?"

"That I won't tell you at the moment but just know that you will be in debt with me , hence, I will come to you when I now need you to help me with something in the near future. "She mysteriously states

Aedion without hesitation states "Deal."

I look at him shocked and hold my tongue as he will just ignore me and continue with his plan.

The witch smiles and I roll my eyes as she says "Follow me."

We follow her and spend a good thirty minutes walking down a lot of halls and turns until we reach an ice door that had the same imprints every other door had in this castle, a huge star in the middle. However, this door was different because it was secured with a lock, I guess this is the most forbidden room in the whole castle.

She stands in front of the door, then she puts out her hand and a key appears in her hand. She unlocks the door and then walks in, we follow after her.

The lights automatically turn on as we step in the rooms. The first thing I see is a giant pot that is boiling in the centre of the room. Next I see shelves all over the room with different types of bottles with liquids of different colours. To the extreme right there was a thick big book opened but I could not see what was written on it clearly but I'm sure it's a spell book.

I look at Aedion who currently looks like he is mentally arguing with himself about something. Honestly speaking I am scared shitless; I heard removing a bond could be the worst pain ever.

"I need you both to surround the book over there. "She instructs as she places back a bottle with purple liquid back on the shelf.

She walks over to us and flips the pages of the book and stops at a certain spell, she quickly silently reads it out to herself, probably memorizing it. She then looks at us and smiles again.

"Let's get started, shall we? "She states

She closes her eyes and stretches out her hands. I watched her with curiosity as she starts chanting words in the old Latin language.

As time goes by and she keeps replicating the spell, blue crystal dust starts to erupt from the palm of her hands. The dust keeps growing bigger and bigger until it came towards me and Aedion circling us. Davinela then opens her eyes and they are glowing a whitish/bluish colour and her hair spreads from all angles. Her crown starts having the moons glowing brighter and moving in circular motion with others clockwise and anticlockwise. '

She really looked powerful and very mesmerizing in a dark way. Now she shows what people say, she is showing how powerful and dangerous she can be.

I feel a slight pain in my chest and at first ignore it. I concentrate back at the witch and as I did that a strong pain hits my chest making me release an ear piercing scream. The pain feels like a part of me is being removed, like a part in my body that is a necessity is being pulled out of me. The pain gets stronger and stronger; feeling like a knife was deep in me being dragged down my body. This feeling is excruciatingly painful, I have never felt this pain and I never want to feel it again. At this very moment, I see death as a salvation for me than being alive to feel this. It is now making me weak and my eyes are getting a bit heavy and I almost lose my consciousness until the pain suddenly stops.

There is heavy panting in the room, only to realise it's not only me but Aedion. I had forgotten about him and I can't help to think if he felt as much pain as I did. I weakly help myself up and stumble a bit as I stabilize myself.

I feel so empty now and I cannot help but wonder again if he feels the same way. Judging by the look of his eyes, they look empty and broken. The light that existed before although he was cold is non-existent now. So he finally followed through with it. He feels me staring and he looks straight in my eyes. When our eyes connect, I realise this is it and it has finally happened what he has always wanted.

We are now nothing but strangers with memories.


Please vote,comment, share and follow both my wattpad account and instagram account @dutch_essqueen.

Stay tuned and I promise the next chapter you wont regret it, things are getting heated now.

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