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I cannot bring myself to sleep, both my brain and heart are not allowing me to rest. They are constantly fighting about Aedion. My brain is saying one thing and my heart is saying another. My heart wants to love him, forgive him, give him a chance and probably as time goes by have a future life with him but on the other hand my brain is saying the what ifs , what if he breaks me more than he already did, what if along the way I get hurt even more. It's also not helping that Vanadey my wolf sides with my heart and soul as they all call out to Aedion. They won't even let me breath, think properly.

I sigh and turn the other side of my room as I look out the window where I see the full moon so bright. It's so beautiful outside tonight. I need to make a decision quick because once I get better off this hospital bed and the threats in Kova die down, I m taking my grandparents and leaving but for me to leave in peace and content I need to officially close off this chapter of my life.

Whilst I was deep in my thoughts, my ears could not help but hear a lot of footsteps running up and down. As I listen in closely I hear the door opposite me, which is Aedion's room being open and someone says something that was barely audible with the noise of commotion out my room.

I decide to leave my bed and find out what's going on but before I could leave my bed, my door swings viciously open and in comes Aedion. He wore a very serious and bit worried expression.

"What's going on?" I quickly ask eager to know the reason for the sudden noise in the castle.

He walks towards me as he firmly says "Dress up and follow me."

I was so confused but did what I was told to do. I ended up with a light grey thick hoodie and plain light grey sweatpants finished off with white sneakers. Since it was cold I decided to go with something warm but comfortable.

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong?" I try my luck one last time.

He sighs as he runs his fingers through his dark messy hair

"We are under attack, so I need to take you to the palace royal safe room, where my mother and your grandparents are currently occupying."

The moment he says "underattack"  my world just comes crumbling down. I had known that there are a lot of mysterious things going on in Kova and I wasn't about to stay and wait for what it was. I had planned to just get better and be discharged by the doctor and then leave for Earth with my grandparents but unfortunately I took too long to heal.

Speaking of my grandparents.

"Take me to my grandparents." I demand

He nods, grabs my hand and we rush down the hallway to wherever the safe room is. I cannot help but to wonder if we will get through this night, this is the moment everyone in Kova was dreading, it's now a game of survival.


"Quick, in here." Says Aedion as he finishes unlocking the door of the Royal safe room. He told me this was an in built safe, in the underground of the castle. It was made specifically for purposes like these and it's only for the royal family.

Aedion opens another metal door with the same bunch of keys. We walk in and the moment we do, I see my grandparents.

I rush over to them and give them a tight hug, I am so glad they are safe. I then look around the room to see who else is here and I only see the woman I saw when we dined last night.

Confused I look at Aedion.

"I thought you said your mom is in here."

"I will explain everything later. Now, here are the keys, if by dawn Xanth or I are not back. Unlock the door, and leave through the forest at the back of the castle." He instructs as he turns to leave.

A PASSION FOR REVENGE (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now