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I look over to my clock on my bed side. Its only 19:30, an hour ever since I came to my room to get some rest and process the circle information I got. To be honest, I am hurt by the deceit and lies but I cannot get angry at anyone. I know for a logical person, they would get angry at my stepmom but I can't because despite all the lies, she raised me like her own , she raised me well, she showed me love, she was even closer to me than my own father and mostly she never treated me different from my siblings. It felt like I was her son from the very beginning, and I would be a fool to not appreciate that.

I toss in my bed for the hundredth time now and I cannot close my eyes and let sleep engulf me. I think about the turn of events for the past months and my mind lands on Avyanna. I instantly wake up and get dressed in a grey sweatpant, white v neck t-shirt and a black plain thick hoodie.

I try and quietly sneak out of the castle because I do not want to face anyone just yet. Also if I come across Xanth, he will prevent me from leaving. Therefore my only option was to climb out of my window. I slowly do exactly that and land soundlessly on the ground.

I go to the back of the castle where the  royal family's private garage is. We have two garages, one that is private and strictly for the royal family and the front one is for our body guards' SUV.

I got into the garage quietly and go to my car. It was a sleek BMW i8 matte black car but with the lights glowing a calm blue. I press the start button and my car roars to life as I drive off.


I pack in the car park furthest from the hospital building, so I do not draw too much attention. I then walk to the hospital. I notice that Avy's grandparents are cuddled up on the left side of the hallway in the chairs, sleeping whereas Hunter and Rhysand is on the right doing the same. I am still bothered that Rhysand  is always around her but who am I to say anything.

I walk to the other hallway with a longer distance to her room, to avoid confrontation. I quietly but quickly walk to her room. After about five minutes, I find myself standing in front of her door again. I had instructed the guards at her door to let me in for a short while and not tell anyone I'm here. I want to see her , somehow she brings out the calmness in me even though she is not my mate.

I then walk in and look at her sleeping. At this moment I wish I was her, just sleeping in that bed and not receiving a bombshell of news like I just had.

I walk over to her and sit beside the bed she is occupying. I push her hair aside, to the back of her ear, to reveal her beautiful face. She has regained her colour a bit and her lips have healed, only leaving a faint line of cracks. I smile as I take her hand into mine.

"You have no idea how good it feels to see you, my Reina. A lot has happened ever since you went into a coma." I sniff a bit. "Guess what? I just found out that my mother the Queen Mother of Asena is actually not my mother. But that is not the worst part, the worst part is I had met my real mother some months ago and I did not even know. To be honest, my life is messed up. But anyway, enough of the sad stories. I wish you would just open your eyes."

I stay silent for a while thinking about my life and how it turned out to be.

I sigh

"I should go look for her right?" I ask Avy as I debate whether to go see Cliodhna or not and hear her side of the story.

I keep looking to Avy for my answer as if she would wake up and answer me

"Okay then, I will go." I give her one last kiss on her forehead and leave quietly.

A PASSION FOR REVENGE (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now