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I turn over to my right side and look at my time, it's now eleven o'clock in the evening. For the past hours, I have been in bed tossing and turning. I cannot sleep because I have a lot of things on my mind especially about the near future. But my highest concern is Avyanna. I feel a strong need to protect her and be there for her. I wonder, how she is doing.

I look over at the time again and see it's now twenty minutes after eleven. She must be fast asleep right now, I guess it won't hurt to just go check in on her.

I wake up from my bed and slowly leave my room. I quickly but quietly walk into the opposite room from mine, which is the one Avyanna is occupying. It's very quiet and dimly lit up. I look towards the bed and see her there resting. I listen into her heartbeat and hear it's calmly beating meaning she is really asleep.

How I had missed being close to her. I tried to keep a distance from her since she is muting everyone, so just imagine if I come close to her after all the things I did to her. If she only knew how much of importance she is to me even before now but I was too stupid and in denial to realise it.

I tiptoe to the three seater couch on the other side of the room, to watch her sleep for sometime and then I leave for my room. Well that is what I thought until I felt myself drifting off into a deep slumber.

I found myself walking through a forest. It was a very beautiful and inviting forest. It had tall, healthy looking trees. The leaves and grass were so green and the soil was very brown. Everything had it's bright, rightful colours. Nothing looked dead.

This forest looked so perfect, it looked almost enchanted. It was so quite, with only the sounds of birds chirping. I look around wondering where I am and if there is anyone that can help me around here. First of all, how did I get here? The last thing I remember is being in Avyanna's room.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a black figure, rush from behind one tree to the other. I quickly look that direction and see nothing. I let it go as I think it was my mind and it's tricks. But, I see it again at my right side. I jog towards that place and as j get close to it, I see the black figure run forward away from me. I decide to chase it but as I observe closely, I notice it is a big black wolf, that is very much similar to mine. I increase my running speed as I am now curious to find out where this wolf came from.

After a few minutes of running, I end up in a field cleaning. It's more like a meadow with a lot of sunflowers. I'm in awe with the scenery, to the extent that I forget what led me here. This is so beautiful, really. I am amazed.

"Beautiful, right?" A male, aggressive, rough voice asks. I look around and see nothing, until I look back at the meadow and see the black wolf I have been following this whole time.looking straight at him and carefully observing him, I am now sure it's my wolf but I need to make sure.

"Was that you who spoke?" I ask the wolf

He keeps quiet for a while.

"Yes it was me." He finally answers

"Who are you?"

He gives a wolfish grin and says "I am Rowan, your wolf, we finally meet in person."

I am half shocked and half surprised. I cannot believe, I am meeting my wolf like this. Yes as werepeople, we talk to our wolves but only a few rare people have the privilege to actually meet their wolves in person. As for me, I wonder how speacial I am to get that privilege.

A PASSION FOR REVENGE (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now