In the fields of serenity

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She eats like a real dragon.
Not that I would know how a dragon eats.
But I am quite sure this resembles it quite accurately.

"You seem to enjoy the muscly parts, do you?"

[Yes! They are chewy, but have a wonderful flavor!]

Good. She likes it. And her blues from before seems to have vanished. She is very much still a child. But it is weird. It doesn't feel like she is. Her vocabulary and mannerism resemble that of an adult, but the way she is tripping over her own feet while handling things so far, really makes it quite clear that she isn't one.

"Great! I tried hard to make everything just fine."

[I can taste that! And I am very grateful for it!]

She had a little snot, run out of her nose.

"You can have it cool down a little before you eat it."

[No worries. Such low temperatures don't bother me.]

"But, your nose seems bothered."

She stared down at her nose and saw what I was talking about. She just wiped her nose on the grass beside her and went on eating.

[Thank you.]

"No problem."

After about another ten minutes of gorging herself on her meal, she finished.

[Thank you again. That must have been a lot of work...]

"No problem. It is my pleasure to serve."

She gave me a stare.

[It's getting late! Shouldn't we head out? We will miss the flowers, blooming!]

"No problem, dear. Where we will go, the flowers start to bloom at night. Do you remember, when I said, that us fey kind of live off of flowers? Those flowers are blooming only at night. A species of flowers created by us, to perfectly nurture our magical powers, and that of spirits. Beautiful little things. You'll see."

Her eyes shone with a bright expression. I assume that means we'll have to leave soon.

"But before we go, let me just do something real quick."

I make my way over to the pile of waste from the Girape's corpse.
And look who's there! A bunch of crows. If I remember correctly, its about breeding season for you all?
I wave my right hand at them, summoning them down from the pile of gore.
Please excuse me, but would you mind stepping into a contract with me? I'd like to have some eyes guarding us for the foreseeable future.
Acceptance. Great!
It always is such a subtle yet satisfying feeling when wildlife accepts the contract. Depending on their might, this feeling gets more distinct. I wonder how a deal with Prophet would feel.
The crows look at me, then at my grotto, and finally at Prophet, as she cleaned her teeth with her tongue.
Great. Now that's everything done, we can go and move out. My children should still be fast asleep and shouldn't wake up until tomorrow morning.

"Hey, prophet, want to go now?"

I don't need a reply. Just her shooting up is enough for me to see how excited she is.
I never once was a great friend of horses, but who knew that all they needed was some intelligence and scales, to become the most adorable creatures?

"May I ride on you again? It's quite a long way."

[Of course! Let's go!]

And she sat herself down again. The only thing I can do when interacting with her is smiling.
I swing myself onto her back and give her the directions to "Louella's garden".

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