I Never Died

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Kara's POV

Once I give them a nice punch, Caitlin screams in a weird voice. I turn around to see her eyes white.

She shoots icicles out of her hand at everyone. Until I realise that she doesn't shoot them at me, or two others that I presume are Harrison Wells and Jesse.

She starts to run away and I stand frozen.

Is she like that?

Suddenly, someone comes in.

"What happened?" He asks.

"Killer Frost happened Cisco!" Wally snaps.

"Oh, no no no no no." Cisco says panicking.

He does stuff on the computers which I have no clue what's going on.

He turns to me.

"You're the person on the video." He says and I nod.

"Well, we need to get her back!" Caitlin's boyfriend says.

"Nothing is being picked up, ok? I am trying." Cisco replies.

"Then try harder!" He snaps.

"Well, I am going to go." I awkwardly say. I start to walk away, once I am out in the corridors, I hear Iris tell Wally,

"Go and put that freak in the pipeline." She whispers so I fly back into the room I came in and thankfully, the breach is still open.

I fly through it and think of my Earth.

Once I land, I realise that I am in my apartment.

I slop down on the sofa and start to cry again.

No one's POV

Once Kara had left for her Earth, Savitar appeared on Earth 1.

He ran into the cortex and held up Wally by the neck.

"Hello, Wallace!" He says.

"What do you want?" Wally asks.

"I want to make you suffer." Savitar tells him.

"We didn't do anything to you!" Iris snaps at Savitar.

"Oh, but you did Iris. You made my life a living hell!" He snaps back.

"We're sorry, whatever we did. Just, let him go." Harry begs.

"Oh, you and Jesse didn't do anything. It was them." Savitar replies.

He lets go of Wally then runs out.

Wally chases after him but couldn't keep up. Savitar stops in front of him, so does Wally.

"Just so we're clear, I am going to kill your friends, then your family. I am going to make you suffer, I will win, Wallace!" Savitar yells at him.

In a second, Savitar disappears through a breach.

He enters an abandoned warehouse and settles down.

"Gideon." Savitar says.

"Yes, Savitar." She replies.

"Call me creator please, anyway, where is Killer Frost at this time?" He asks.

"She is in the Central City Bank, retrieving money to start again." Gideon tells him.

Savitar runs into the bank, grabs Killer Frost and returns to the warehouse.

"Savitar! You hurt Barry, why?!" Killer Frost screams at him.

"So that I could set the events in place." He replies.

"What events?" She asks.

"My beginning." He says.

Savitar gets on his knees and the suit starts to open up. The person inside was.


"Barry?" Killer Frost turns back into Caitlin.

"Cait." He says.

She runs up to him embracing him in a hug.

"How are you here? I watched you disappear." Caitlin says.

"I was sent to the speed force. They decided they would let me live. I never died. But I realised that they only did it so that I could be born. Savitar." He explains.

"So, you became Savitar after you came back. If you were to be saved, do you think you would still become Savitar?" She asks him.

"I don't know. Well, given what was going on, I would have easily become Savitar anyway." He says. "I was driven into darkness, I was alone, except I had you."

"So, me being here is going to bring you back?" She asks.

"To be honest, I have no clue either. The speed force didn't tell me, Gideon didn't, so I am just as clueless as you right now." He tells her.

"Well, should we head back?" She asks.

"No. I can't face them." He says. "Did you read my letter?"

"Uh, no. Didn't have time. Kara came back and gave it to me, I told her I was responsible and that I was there the night. Julian kept pulling me down to him whenever I tried to get up to see what was going on. Kara punched Julian, slapped Iris, knocked out Wally." She explains to him.

"I'll leave you to the letter." Barry says.

He gets into his suit and runs out of the warehouse, he headed to STAR LABS to knock some sense into the team while Caitlin reads the letter.

Caitlin's POV

I get out the letter from my pocket and unfold it.


Hello Caitlin.

This is probably the last you will hear from me, I made this so that if I am facing a terrible danger, I will get someone to deliver this for you.

If I am alive when you read this, I am broken. The only person that I will have in my life is you. I am glad it is you, I wouldn't dream of anyone else to be there for me.

I have a confession to make. After the night at the karaoke bar, I had started to develop feelings for you. I went after Iris because of the future article, but after I came back from Flashpoint, I had pushed her away from my head and thought of you. I started to think about what I wanted and not what the future wanted.

So, I asked Gideon about what we would be in the future and she said "just friends" but I didn't want that, I wanted more. If I am Savitar at this point, I don't mind if you leave me for the team. Even if you do, I won't harm you. I realised that you are my life, there is no Barry Allen without Caitlin Snow.

What I wanted to say is that, I love you. I always will.

Love Barry Allen.


I start to tear up knowing that he has felt this way with me for ages. He loves me. I love him.

I fold it back up and slip it back into my pocket.

This is the start to something better.

The Death Of Barry Allen: A Flash Fanfiction ×1×Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon