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Memories are the past, moments we have inside if us, good and bad. The more you try to get rid of a bad one, the longer it stays.

I have plenty of good ones I keep inside, but also bad ones.

The ones I try to forget, rush back whenever I see Cisco.

Because he is in most of my good ones and some of my bad.

I try and forget every one with him in, but I can't. I don't know why.

Start of flashback

I was sitting on the med bay while waiting for my injuries to heal. Until, Cisco shows up.

"Barry, why don't you go home?" He asks me.

"I am a hero, Cisco. I ha-"

"Let me stop you right there. You may be a hero, but it doesn't mean you can't go on a break." He tells me.

"It's just, I don't have much to go home to. Yeah, Joe and Iris are there but they aren't as fun." I tell him.

"Barry, did you just call me fun without calling me fun?" He asks me.

I chuckle and nod. "Yes, I think I did. So, are you bored?" I question him.

"Maybe. Why?" He replies.

"How about we go watch something." I suggest.

"Maybe later. Just wait until you heal then maybe I can go all geeky nerd on you." He smiles.

"You're such a child." I tell him as he walks out of the room. But he is still hilarious.

End Of Flashback

Remembering that, made me laugh. As I sit on the sofa, I remember all the times he made me laugh.

All the times he made me smile.

I ruined it all, I killed his brother, kinda.

Start Of Flashback

"So, you and Jesse huh?" Cisco asks Wally in the cortex as I come in.

"Yeah." Wally simply says as he blushes.

"Oh, your cheeks are going red, might wanna cover those up." Cisco jokes.

"Shut up." Wally laughs.

"Hey guys." I come in the room and greet them.

"Oh, hey Barry." Cisco says. "Yo, man. Can you please tell me what my cake looks like." He begs me.

"Cisco, it's a surprise. Ok? Today is your day, and it will be a fun surprise." I tell him.

"Please." He pouts as he asks.

"No!" I say in a strict voice.

"Ok, fine! Jesus!" He gives up.

"Thank you." I sigh in stress. Can he understand that we surprise on birthdays? Hah. He makes me laugh.

He walks out of the room patting me on the back.

Once he is all the way out, into the corridors, Wally walks up to me.

"He seems, desperate." He says.

"Well, he wants to know what he got. It's understandable." I explain to him.

"Well, what did he get?" He asks.

"Well, the cake has Yoda's face on, very detailed, very creamy." I whisper, just in case Cisco is just around the corner.

"Oh, cool. I'll catch you later." Wally says before he runs out.

After a minute, Cisco comes back in, looking very excited.

"Yo, man. Thanks for the Yoda cake!" He yells.

I laugh knowing that Wally would tell him.

"Sorry to disappoint you but, I didn't get one." I laugh at him.

"WHAT!?" He yells in a girly voice. "Why would you lie?"

"Because I knew that Wally would tell you." I explain, still laughing.

"Come on! Please! You're my best bro, come on!" He keeps pestering me, trying to get me on the edge.

"No!" I tell him.

"No fun." He says while walking, head down, out of the room.

End Of Flashback

"Hey." Caitlin says out of nowhere.

"Oh, hey." I reply.

"What's wrong?" She asks, she knows something is up, she always does.

"It's just, I told you about living my future, not the article's future." I start, she nods understanding. "Well, I just realised that, I am the one who ruined it all, I started all of this with Flashpoint." I explained to her.

"Wow, you finally came through." She says nastily.

"What?" I ask in confusion.

"You finally realised that you are responsible. Monster!" She yells. She lunges forward and puts me in a headlock. "You're a monster!"

I opened my eyes, coming into realisation. It was just a bad dream.

I looked around. Jesse was sleeping on the extra bed I got. Caitlin was sleeping on our bed.

I got up and stretched, cracking a few places in my body. I walked over to the room with suits, looking at my finished suit.

Just like the old Savitar suit but, with a symbol. Reverse Flash symbol with a snowflake.

What is this life I have brought myself in? This disaster. I have ruined friendships, lives. I have taken lives.

This is my final move. The reset button.

To do it right, I need to go back, relive the past. The painful memories, the good, fun times.

Fun, happiness, family, friends, love.

It's all waiting, everything, is going to change.

Hey! Sorry it took so long to write this chapter, hopefully it has been worth the wait.

The chapter wasn't long, that wasn't the problem. It was the ideas, my imagination was a bit fuzzy.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Please, comment your thoughts on what Barry will do. I wanna hear your ideas, and possibly use some. Because I can't seem to get many these days. And I don't know why.

Anyway, you KARRY on with what you wanna do, and hopefully the next chapter will be soon.


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