Time Is Tricky

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"What do you mean?" I ask him confused.

"Everytime you change the timeline, the speed force acts against you." Jay explained a bit to me. "It makes plans to harm you in anyway."

"Even the negative speed force?" I blurt out, causing the three heros to look at me funny.

"That's why your lightning is red? You became evil, like Kara said?" Cisco asks me and I nod, confirming his statement.

"I am sorry I wasn't there for you." Kara apologies.

"It's fine. Either way, I was too busy thinking about what Team Everyone Else were planning. And what I was planning." I whisper the last part, even though Kara could still hear me.

"What do you mean, Team Everyone Else?" Cisco asks me.

"Well, I'll keep it short. Me and Iris were together, she cheated on me, I felt broken, I died, the speed force saved me. The whole time, everyone but Caitlin were doing what they wanted. I became Savitar who was evil, you and the other heros teamed against me. Team Everyone Else. The only ones beside me were, Caitlin, Jesse and I count you Kara considering you never went against me." I explained, smiling at Kara.

"Wow, Barry, that's a lot." Cisco says, sitting down.

"Wait." I realise something. "How's your brother?" I ask Cisco.

He looks at me, into my soul.

"Good. Why?" I sigh, like a big sigh.

Thank God he is alive in this timeline. If he wasn't it could have all happened again.

"No reason." I lie. He doesn't seem that bothered by it.

"Flash, can we talk?" Jay asks me out of nowhere.

I nod to him and we both walk into the corridor.

"Flash, fix things. That's all I have to say. If you change something again, the speed force might trap you." He says, I look at him, jaw-dropped.

"What?" I get out.

"It's called the speed force prison. It would keep you there, only speedsters like us can occupy it." He explained to me.

"Jesus!" I exclaim.

I never knew the speed force was that dark!

"It also goes crazy if there isn't a speedster in there, that means someone is already trapped there." He says.

It surprises me that something that inspires me to do good is really that evil.

"Guys!" I hear Cisco shout from the cortex.

Me and Jay run in and see Zoom in the middle of the room.

"Flash, Flash." He growls at us.

"I want to kill you so bad!" Jay replies, with a dark and evil tone.

"Jay, no!" I tell him. Heros don't kill.

"Ahh, at least one of you are capable of becoming dark." I stiffen at his sentence.

I had no idea that I had started to vibrate, red filled eyes until everyone noticed.

Zoom looked at me, I couldn't tell what he was feeling. Fear? Amused?

"Make that two." He says. He runs out of the building with me and Jay chasing him.

We ran, from one block to the other, then the next, and the next.

I was still mad, and with that anger I felt faster. That was because I was.

I managed to catch up and push him to the ground.

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