Chapter 27: Proposal

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Chapter 27

There were a thousand reasons to say yes. And only one reason to say no. As I counted the floors to our condo, the sizzling vibrations of electricity became even more pronounced.

Heat passed between us. This wild undercurrent static extremely palpable in the air. We were like magents, desperately cinched and connected together by an unstoppable force.

As we climbed the levels to our floor, I can feel the heat of Dark's hands on my waist, his warm minty breathe on my skin and the distinct bulge in his pants.

If I told you one of the reasons why I would say yes, its because of this.

The elevator dinged and pinged open and not a second went by when Dark wrapped me in his arms and carried me inside. We didn't bother with foreplay nor did we bother where our clothes went.

We simply acted on our baser needs and instinct. Ripping the jeans off my legs, he took off his slacks and boxers. His cock sprang infront of my eyes and I grinned at the precum.

"I need you right now Laurene." Dark growled as he fiercely wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. His arms wrapped around my hips and pulled me to his. I wrapped my legs around him as he carried me to the couch.

Our lips danced in a passionate and pleasurable dance. Dark's tongue coaxed me to open my mouth and let him in. A moan reverberated on my chest when he sucked and danced across my lips, biting my bottom lip and sucking on it. His lips were merciless like he couldn't get enough and I was under his wicked spell.

I could only feel and let him strum like a skilled guitarist. My body was his and just as he was mine. He nibbled and sucked on my lips, taking his time as he ripped my shirt and threw my bra on the floor.

Pulling back for air, his eyes darkened with desire at my rumpled and lustful state. My lips were plump, my hair falling in waves on the couch, my shirt torn and my legs glistening in wetness.

He groaned as he captured my lips against his, "God you're beautiful, Laurene." He said nibbling my jaw and licking his way down to my neck "I can't seem to get enough of you, baby."

"You're not the only one." I huskily told him as I  pushed him back and changed our positions. With me on top, I gave him a wicked grin and kissed his lips.

My hands worked on the buttons of his shirt and my lips trailed its way on his neck. Sucking and biting it. My hands gloriously ran along his smooth and tanned chest down to his hard 8-pack abs. My hips thrusted on top of his hard length and we both groaned as I my slick heat brushed against his.

"Laurene." He groaned, eyeing me under his thick lashes that women paid to have "I can't wait anymore."

"You won't have to." I mischievously grinned at him as I removed my shirt and his. Sitting up, I grabbed his cock which twitched on my hand and slowly guided it on my entrance.

I was slick and wet. I was more than happy to take him. I watched in awe as Dark's eyes glazed with need and lust as I slowly impaled his cock with my core. His eyes were dilated, and his mouth agape as I slowly inched myself. He groaned and leaned his head back when I fully impaled myself inside him.

I remained seated, impaling his cock with my warmth. I wanted to savor this feeling. This feeling of being whole and complete that only Dark can give me.

A deep connection passed between. The buzzing of electricity and coiled magnets filling our bodies. Dark's eyes opened and I gasped out loud at the emotions swirling in his eyes.

It was full of need, love and desire. Holding my hips, he caressed my hips and said, "I love you Laurene. You're my life."

My heart bursted inside my chest. Tears filling my vision at the sincerity of his voice. The buzzing in my ears intensified. My chest hurt so much from the emotions trying to burst outside.

He wiped the lone tear in my eyes, I held his palm with mine and kissed it.

"I love you too." I told him, his eyes mirroring with mine "I'm yours, my sweet Dark."

Lifting my hips up, energy hummed between us and like a strike of lightning, I impaled myself on his length making us both groan in satisfaction.

Lifting my hips up again, I began the steady and pounding rhythm of our joining. My heart soared and my insides clenched as every beat of our joining drew us to new heights.

By the time we were both sweating and panting, we were both so close that with one last swift movement, we both bursted into a fiery and passionate release.

I collapsed on top of him. My breathing ragged as I inhaled his warm chest. Pulling out, Dark changed our positions and I lie on fours infront of him.

I felt him harden from behind and I groaned when he began to play with my pussy. With Dark, nothing is ever simple and boring. It was always wild and passionate.

Rubbing his cock on my cum filled hole, I groaned out loud when he thrusted inside, impaling me with his cock. I could feel him fully sheathed inside and I glanced back to him, tightly closing his eyes with his veins protruding on his neck.

When he finally opened his eyes, a satisfied grin formed on his lips.

"Damn baby. I missed this sweet pussy." He groaned, slowly unsheathing himself and thrusting back in "So good. You're always fucking tight."

Wiggling my ass, he spanked it leaving a red welt to it before caressing it and spanking it again. Heat built up on my core and I felt the budding sensation of another orgasm.

My pussy tightened which only drove Dark crazy. It didn't take him long before he was pounding in me. Taking and giving until I was a quivering mess. Dark thrusted himself once again before spilling his seed inside me.

Dark slumped beside me on the couch. Taking me into his arms, I felt his seed flow out of my legs as I crawled on top of him and kissed him on the lips.

I was rubbing myself on top of him, desperate for more when he lifted us up and padded his way to the bedroom. It took us 2 more rounds before we finally laid on top of our rumpled bed.

Freshly showered and clean, I placed my head on top of Dark's chest as he softly brushed my hair. It always soothes me whenever he brushed my hair. I was close to doIing off when I asked him the million dollar question.

"Dark? What do you think of marriage?"

His hands stilled before resuming his caresses. "It's a loving commitment."

"Do you plan on getting married?"

"Only if you're the bride." He honestly spoke. My breathe hitched and I looked up into his warm and loving eyes.

"What if..." I paused, preparing my thoughts. Wetting my lips, I asked "What if I never want to get married?"

I saw the pain in his eyes. He quickly masked it yet his pursed lips and flash of pain says it all.

It was a while before I finally spoke. He tried to be indifferent about it, yet I heard the underlying hurt. "I'll respect it. How about you Laurene? Do you plan on getting married?"

"If you ask me to." I told him.

Hope flashed in his eyes and it was the only thing that kept me going when the next day, I saw the garden full of flowers, incadescent fairy lights, rose petals, candlelights and violins.

His hopeful and love filled eyes was the only thing that kept me going as he bent his knee and promised me his forever while my family and friends's hopeful eyes watched in the background.

His eyes filled with promises and hope was all it took for me to finally say, "Yes."

The joy and cheers of friends and family as they congratulated us was all it took for me to ignore the fear in my heart.

I went with the motion, keeping my smile intact, being as positive and hopeful as I can be.

However, when I was left under the confines of my own thoughts, cold icy fear engulfes me. Staring at the huge sapphire and diamong ring on my hand, I let out a choked sob as I battled with my own demons.

Published 05.01.2020

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