Spider Monkey

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Natasha POV:
Nat was going to kill Tony Stark. She had already planned about forty-three ways to do it using only the stupid shawarma he had sent her to get for the team.

His favorite restaurant didn't do deliveries-even for billionaires, he checked- so he sent Nat to go pick it up at three in the morning since the team had just gotten back from a mission. The idiot had convinced her by offering to buy her a new set of throwing knives he knew she had had her eye on for a while.

The red head planned to use him for target practice.

She had walked there so that she could wake up a bit considering she most likely wouldn't be able to go back to sleep, she was never able to after missions. But it had started pouring rain on the way back, and since Nat had no car, she was soaked and forced to take the subway.

You see, the problem with the infamous Black Widow and subways is that there were too many variables for her to calculate. There could be an ax murderer on the train right next to a toddler and no one would ever know, which left it up to her to protect the people if the dude decides to go all whack-a-mole-with-a-side-of-blood on its riders. She was already a paranoid person-not that anyone would say it to her face- and she didn't want to heighten her alertness on a stupid subway ride.

Nat made her way through the fairly empty tunnel, dripping water on the concrete. Getting on her train, she was a tad bit confused. She knew it was obscenely late but she still expected the car to have at least a few inhabitants. Nat did a little happy dance inside her head when she realized she didn't have to interact with other people. Blegh, people.

Taking off her leather jacket, she made her way over to a seat by the doors. She wrung out her shirt and emptied the water from her shoes, crinkling her nose at the feeling of her wet socks. Nat was slipping her ankle boots back on when she heard a little giggle.

The problem wasn't that she was scared by the noise, no, Black Widow was always ready for anything. The problem was that 1- the giggle was from a child, and 2- it came from above her head.

Apparently she wasn't ready for anything.

Slowly looking up, Nat made eye contact with what was probably the most adorable child she had ever seen. Big brown doe eyes, rosy cheeks, chubby face, and the cutest little brown curls she had ever seen. He couldn't have been more than three years old.

While Natasha was busy cooing at the little ball of sunshine in front of her, she momentarily forgot that the child was most literally hanging in front of her face. And whenever she did look up at the ceiling, she realized that his feet weren't caught in any handholds.

The kid was sticking to the ceiling.

With its feet.

Holy mother of f-

The red head was having a quarter life crisis while the kid seemed quite amused.

"Okay, sweetheart, can you come down for me before I have to call Brucie because I'm having heart palpitations? Pretty please?" Nat begged, her green eyes wide and showing that small amount of panic she would never show to anyone else.

With no warning, the toddler giggled again before dropping unceremoniously from the ceiling. Nat yelped and jumped forward to catch the brunette boy, almost breaking her ankle in the process.

After successfully getting the little boy in her arms, Natasha sighed.

"Well, my little spider monkey, looks like you're coming with me."
Hi, I'm dead inside, welcome.

I hope you liked this because *cough* I have no other talents *cough*

My updating schedule will be incredibly chaotic but you should get at least one chapter a week but in most cases you'll probably get one every two-ish days.


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