Can You Perform an Exorcism?!?

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Peter's POV

When Peter woke up again, he wasn't in the nice lady's arms anymore. He hadn't opened his eyes yet, but he couldn't feel her warmth against him so he pouted a bit. He heard a quiet 'aw' from beside him, so he slowly cracked open his eyelids and saw a blond man sitting in a chair next to where Peter had apparently been set down.

The child's eyes widened as he looked around the room. He was sitting on an examination table in a stark white room. Bright lights were over his head and he had to squint when he started to look up because his senses were making it seem brighter.

But what caused Peter to freak out was a tray sitting by the table.

The shiny metal tray held needles and other medical tools that were way too familiar to little Peter. His anxiety only got worse when he looked down to see the IV in his arm.

The blond man must have noticed Peter's labored breathing and glistening eyes as he started to try and talk the boy down.

"Hey, buddy, what's wrong? If I'm gonna help kiddo you've gotta talk to me."

That's where the man went wrong. He never should have said those words. Talk to me.

Peter let out a heartbreaking whimper before he used his spidey strength to rip the IV out of his arm. He then shocked the man by leaping onto the ceiling and backing into the corner, tears spilling from his eyes as he mumbled pleas under his breath.

The blond man stumbled up from his seat and walked backwards to a door, never taking his eyes off of the terrified toddler. He opened the door and tilted his face towards the opening, yelling to his teammates, "Um, guys? Can any of you perform an exorcism?!?" His voice got higher with every word.

Peter looked up as his spidey sense alerted him to another presence in the room. He averted his gaze to see the red headed lady from the subway. Peter backed farther into the corner as she came closer to him, scared that she would take him to the bad men he had only just gotten away from.

The woman's eyes flashed with hurt as the boy cowered from her, but she refused to give up on the little spider.

"Hi, my little spider monkey. I know you're scared, and that's ok, but I need you to trust me so I can make sure you're healthy. I understand that you didn't like the needle in your arm but it needed to be there so you could get better while you were sleeping. Now that you're awake, though, you don't have to use the needle as long as you eat and drink. So can you come down from there so we can give you some food and water?"

As the nice lady was talking, Peter realized his spidey sense wasn't going off at all. Sure, it had alerted him when she walked into the room, but it did that with any new presence. When he was with the bad men his spidey sense was always buzzing, paining him at all times. If this woman wasn't making it go off, he could trust her, right?


Peter narrowed his doe eyes a bit before asking, "No experiments?"

Because of Peter's lisp, the 'r' in experiments sounded more like a 'w', blinding the woman with its cuteness before she fully processed the question.

Peter saw pure horror pass over the woman's face before it quickly disappeared, making him wonder if he had just imagined it altogether. He tilted his head a bit. Why would she be horrified? Everyone had to go through the experiments. That's what the bad men always told Peter, that his were just more painful because he wasn't a good boy like the other kids.

"No experiments," the lady confirmed, softer than before.

Peter didn't quite trust her yet, the only reason he went with her on the train was because he was so hungry and dizzy he didn't realize what he was doing. But now he was coherent and he wasn't going to trust the wrong person ever again.

He scrutinized the woman once more. None of the bad men had ever looked at him like that, and plus he could hear a group of people waiting in the hallway so he had no chance of escape. So he decided to go with her.

Peter flipped gracefully down from the ceiling before walking towards her and grabbing her outstretched hand warily.

The lady smiled softly at the brown headed boy. "Now, how about we meet a few people?"
Literally none of these are edited because I don't have the patience or energy right now. Also, I know the story is super boring right now but I promise it'll get better once all of the Avengers meet Petey-Pie. And I promise to add more humor and fluff soon so the story isn't as dark because... I really don't know I just want to right superfamily fluff.

I only have 69 cents , you know what that means.

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