Power(Point) Presentations

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Wanda's POV
It was hard for Wanda to listen to the thoughts of the little cinnamon roll sitting across from her in the living room. He was such an innocent soul with such a tortured past, and all she wanted to do was cuddle him and protect him from the world.

The only problem was that she came too late.

The group of heroes had decided to gather in the living room after breakfast and make Peter more comfortable with them. Bruce had suggested everyone showing off their powers so Peter wouldn't think that they were using him for his abilities.

Pietro went first, standing up from his perch in Clint's lap and crouching in front of the boy. "Hello, Petey. I know Natasha has already introduced me but I am Pietro. I heard you have special powers, and so do we. Watch."

The speedster grinned before taking off, running multiple laps around the room in seconds. On his last lap he picked up Wanda-much to her annoyance- and placed her in front of Peter.

The little boy watched in utter awe as the man sped around, and his amazement was only amplified as he watched Wanda levitate her twin off of the couch. Wanda smiled as she read the boys mind. He was so happy that there were other people like him.

Everyone in the room took turns demonstrating what they could do, and Peter watched each presentation with intense focus. And of course Tony had to ruin the adorable moment.

"So, who's powers do you think are the coolest, Peter?"

Seeing the panic in the boy's eyes, Wanda quickly slipped into his mind and listened to his thoughts. 'What if this is a test and I get punished for saying the wrong answer? I don't want them to think I'm mean. I like all of them, they're all so cool! What if they think I'm choosing favorites? I know my opinion doesn't matter, but it would still be rude!'

The witch's heart was pained after she exited Peter's mind. Cautiously, she stood and made her way over to him before crouching before him and speaking into his mind. 'Hey Petey, did you know this was part of my powers too? I can also listen to people's thoughts, and I can promise you that no one here will be upset with you for answering. Me and my brother were also experimented on, and I can promise you that neither of us will allow you to be hurt by anyone. And if you still don't want to answer that is completely ok, just know that no one will be upset with you.'

Peter flinched a bit when he heard her voice in his head, but he got over it. But one thing she said confused him.

He cocked his head and asked in his head, 'I thought everyone had to do the experiments?'

Wanda reared back from shock. What had they told this poor baby?

'No, Peter,' she explained softly. 'Not everyone has to go through them. Almost no one has. The bad people that did that to you only told you that so they would feel better about the horrible things they did.'

He let out a quiet and sad 'oh' that absolutely broke the witch's heart. She needed to figure out a way to make him feel better, if only for a moment.

"Watch this, Petey," she exclaimed with false cheer. Wanda quickly used her powers to form Pietro's white-blond hair into a temporary Mohawk.

Peter was once again in awe of her powers. He let out a quiet thank you that absolutely melted Wanda's heart. He then smiled a sly grin, and Wanda entered his thoughts once again out of curiosity.

'Your powers are my favorite. Pietro's are in second place, but don't tell him I said that. He seems cocky enough already.'

Wanda snorted.

She made her way back to her seat without looking at her brother. If she made direct eye contact she would laugh, and the last time Wanda laughed at him he had put her into one of Tony's Ironman suits before she had even realized she was being carried.

The suit had been recently used, too.

That scent haunts her nightmares.

Wanda looked back over at Peter once she sat down and saw him asking Bucky something. The soldier looked shocked before a little smirk appeared on his face and he nodded.

"Guys, Peter wants to show you his powers, too."

Fury would be proud of how attentive the team was at that moment.

Peter gracefully crawled out of Natasha's lap before walking to the edge of the room. But then he kept walking.

And walking.

And then he was on the ceiling.

Wanda thought this would be a good time to listen to some good ol' Avenger thoughts.

'What in the ever loving fu-'

'By Odin's beard he could be worthy'

'I told them he needed an exorcism but noooooo they never listen to Clint-'

Well that was fun.

Peter sat crisscrossed on the ceiling, looking down at the crowd below him before he raised his sleeve to his elbow. He lifted his wrist and pointed it at a book sitting on the coffee table. A web then left his arm and attached to the book, lifting it into the boy's arms.

Wanda now realized that Peter was the one with the coolest powers.

The others agreed.

Peter flipped down from the ceiling, ignoring the terrified protests of the other heroes in the room.

He walked back over to Natasha before whispering something in her ear and her eyes widened.

"Um, Stark, what's your IQ?" she asked the billionaire.

"About 270, why?" God, for a genius he could be a bit slow sometimes.

Natasha snickered. "Because my little spider monkey has an IQ of 300."

Tony spluttered and choked, Strange patting his back with an amused expression.

Once Tony recovered, he asked, "Stephen, how do you feel about adoption?"

None of them knew if he was joking.
Just found out that I won every academic award for my classes this year and beat the girl who got first place in the spelling bee when I got second. Now I'm not saying that I hold grudges or anything, but I hope she cries.

Whoever threw that paper...

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