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Third Person POV
Everyone knew Tony Stark couldn't handle emotional moments that lasted more than the amount of time he spent tending to his own needs per day. To make it simple, they had to last less than ten minutes.

So no one was surprised when Stark left the group of adults to play with Peter, along with Sam and Clint.

A horrible idea, really.

"Hey, Petey, have you ever been on the swings?" Clint asked, crouching down to the small boy's height.

Peter shook his head, but beamed excitedly at the idea of using the swings. They looked so fun!

The boy started jumping up and down giddily. "Can we use them? Can we can we can we-" he was cut off by Clint's chuckle.

"Of course we can, buddy. Race you there," he grinned before starting off towards the swing set.

Peter squawked indignantly at being left behind before darting after the man, catching up easily. He then swung himself into the swing with his webs, leaving Clint in the dust.

The toddler grinned smugly at the archer, ignoring Sam and Tony doubled over in laughter in the background. Clint was gaping at Peter. Had he really just been beaten in a race by a three year old?

Recovering from his laughter, Sam slapped Clint's back mockingly and said, "You guys can start running with Steve and I in the mornings. I need a regular person to yell at him with, and Steve needs someone to help him embarrass me."

Clint scowled and flipped off Tony who was still on the ground laughing.

Meanwhile, Peter was sitting on one of the swings, trying to kick off on the ground, but his legs were too short. He huffed after his eighth try, convinced God had a vendetta against him.

The two coherent men chuckled at the struggling child. Sam gently snatched him off of the seat and placed him in a baby swing, making sure to get his legs through the holes. Peter had to admit that it was more comfortable, and he was less scared of falling backwards and getting a wood chip in his eye.

"Is that better, Pete?" Sam asked him. The boy nodded eagerly and started kicking his legs, wanting to go as high as possible.

The Falcon grinned and started pushing the boy carefully. Peter looked like he was having the time of his life.

After Peter got bored on the swings, he pulled himself out of the seat with a web and dragged the three adults towards the monkey bars. Sam smiled at the sight of the playground.

"Oh, I was the master at the monkey bars as a kid. I bet I've still got it," Sam announced cockily.

He did still have it, actually. The Avenger expertly swung through the maze of bars, even with his legs bent at the knee to avoid dragging them through the dirt.

Peter didn't like his tone, though, so he took it upon himself to show the man up. In the name of good morals, of course.

Yep. Good morals.

Peter made grabby hands towards Tony, indicating that he wanted to be put on the bars. Stark agreed, albeit hesitantly.

"I'll let you up there, kid, but don't do something stupid. Your surrogate parents will kill me in a very slow and painful way," he grimaced, setting the child on the equipment.

Peter only looked at him with that mischievous look in his eyes. It made Tony even more wary considering he had seen that look in the mirror many times before. He decided to just hold his arms below Peter and hope he could catch the kid if he fell.

Peter began swinging across the bars masterfully, already shocking the superheroes. But then he started doing flips and tricks, webbing tightropes to walk across, hanging upside down and dangling by only his toes, just being extra in every sense of the word.

Tony decided right then and there that the kid would be the next heir to Stark Industries.

Sam was mumbling under his breath the whole time, most of it unable to be repeated.

Nat and Bucky were snickering and taking pictures of their spider kid the whole time, planning to upload them to FRIDAY's 'Spiderson' folder.

If only they had noticed the other person taking pictures of their spiderboy.
My only piece of advice for today is do not slice up cucumbers for a snack and then get bored and start squeezing them and then they explode and then you have to find cucumber goo all in your hair and clothes and room later. Not based on a personal experience. Not at all.

Can I get a waffle?

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