Pinky Promise

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Bucky's POV (surprise buddies)
When Bucky had went to check on the kid with the rest of the team that morning, he wasn't too surprised to see him sleeping on the desk. But it did make him sad that he could see himself in Peter. The way he had cowered from everyone except for Nat the night before, the way his eyes held a blank look that no child should be able to project.

Bucky knew the kid had been through some bad things, he had just hoped it wasn't as bad as he thought. But after he saw the kid curled up under the window in the hard wood desk, Bucky's hope faded. Peter was broken, and he was going to help mend him back together.

Buck waited outside of Peter's room as Natasha went in to fetch him for breakfast. The woman had ran out and bought him a bunch of new clothes while he was asleep, so he assumed Nat would help him get dressed and then bring him to eat with the rest of the group.

They had decided as a team to let Peter meet one other person before coming to the kitchen so that he had another 'security blanket' as Bruce had put it. Bucky had immediately volunteered. He knew he didn't look like the cuddliest human being in existence (*entire fandom starts screaming in disagreement*), but the kid and him most likely shared experiences. He wanted Peter to open up to him, to trust him, so that he could help him get over his past.

While Bucky was thinking, Peter and Natasha exited the bedroom. The White Wolf pushed off of the wall where he was leaning so that he could crouch in front of the toddler. The kid was dressed in a bright red hoodie that was too big for him and a pair of little black sweatpants. Bucky thought he was about to cry from how adorable the little boy standing in front of him was. This much cuteness had to be illegal.

Bucky planned on suing later.

Peter moved a bit behind Nat's leg, so Bucky smiled a soft smile to make him feel more comfortable.

"Hey Peter, I'm Bucky. I'm friends with Nat and all of the idiots in the kitchen. We're gonna stick with you in there so our buddies don't do anything stupid. Are you ok with that?"

The soldier made sure to keep a light tone when talking to the boy. He also wanted to give him choices as much as he could. While Bucky was in HYDRA, no one ever gave him choices, and it took him a long time to get used to the idea of making his own decisions, so he decided to get Peter used to it as quickly as possible.

The boy in question nodded slowly. Bucky knew he was confused, he could see it behind the blankness in his eyes that he had forced onto his own face so many times before. But he just smiled one more time before standing on the other side of Peter and walking towards the kitchen.

As they got closer to the kitchen, Bucky saw Peter staring to tense up at all of the voices. Panic flashed through his big brown eyes. It only got worse once they made it into the room. Peter was terrified from all of the people.

Bucky knew that the kid had met all of the Avengers the night before in the med bay, so he didn't really understand why he was panicking now, but everyone had different triggers. The soldier started leaning down to mumble reassurances to the little boy, but Bucky was pretty sure he was the one that needed to be reassured after Peter latched onto his hand.

Buck gaped down at the head of brown curls buried in his side before grinning. He had almost forgotten that Peter was still a literal child, and they were naturally trusting and wanting protection and comfort. Bucky knew the kid had been experimented on-Nat had told him- and it hurt his heart when he found out this little ball of sunshine had been hurt at such a young age, but now he knew he could really help the kid. He wasn't completely broken.

"It's ok Petey, you can trust these people. They won't hurt you. I promise," Buck whispered to the whimpering three year old.

Peter focused his doe eyes on the man above him, the one he felt such a connection with for some reason. "Pinky promise?" He remembered his mommy doing pinky promises with him before everything happened.

Bucky grinned down at Peter once more before holding out his flesh hand, looping his smallest finger with the younger boy's. "Pinky promise."
Okay, I know this chapter sucks, but it has Bucky in it which I'm pretty sure makes up for everything. Also, it's longer than usual so there's that.

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