Monopoly is Never a Good Idea, Tony!

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Peter's POV
Peter didn't know why everyone looked so shocked, the bad men always said that he wasn't smart enough. They were probably shocked about how stupid he was.

He saw Tony whisper something to Stephen. Peter assumed they were together considering that Tony was sitting on his lap and wouldn't let him get up even though he repeatedly said that he had to pee.

Tony smirked when Stephen reluctantly agreed to whatever he had proposed. Peter was a little scared he was gonna try and give him one of those weird beard things.

"So, who wants to play Monopoly?"

The room let out a collective groan. Apparently everyone in the room knew what was happening except for Peter.

Peter leaned over to Bucky and whispered, "What's mano-mauna-uh, what are they talking about?"

Peter hated his lisp sometimes.

Bucky's eyes softened at the question. "It's a game that Tony likes to play anytime someone new joins the team. He says the way someone plays can tell him about the person's personality or something."

"Oh. What if he doesn't like my personality? Will he make me leave?" Peter's words got more panicked as he went on.

Bucky rushed to reassure the scared child. "No, no Peter, we all love you. No stupid game is gonna change that. And I doubt Tony would throw you out. He attaches onto every genius like a leech. I swear I heard him come up with a mating call so he could meet more one time."

Peter let out a childish giggle at Buck's words. "Thank you, Mr Bucky."

"Kid, you can just call me Bucky."

Peter scrunched up his nose and shook his head, telling the soldier it was rude. Didn't everyone know that?

While the two were conversing, Tony had excitedly set up the game on the coffee table. They explained the rules to Peter so that he wouldn't be completely clueless.

Tony stood up from the couch, but as he was rising he got distracted by Peter rapidly tapping Natasha's arm. When he got her attention he pointed at Tony quickly.

"Um, Stark, I think Peter has a question."

Tony looked down at the boy with questioning eyes. "What is it, kiddo?"

Peter mumbled something that only Nat could hear. She nodded before looking back to Stark.

"He wants to know if you can grab him a paper and pen. He said he needs it for calculations or something."

Tony nodded before walking away. As he left, Peter used his super hearing to listen to him grumbling something about 'not letting a three year old beat him at his game'. That made Peter determined to beat him.

Once the game started, Peter and Tony were rapidly writing and solving equations in order to determine the best moves to make and best spaces to buy. Both were hiding their papers from the other's eyes whenever they got too close to comfort.

Soon it was only Peter and Tony left. The game lasted another half hour before Tony went bankrupt.

The room was silent for a few moments before Clint and Sam started to snicker at the expressions on the genius' faces. Tony's mouth was agape, while Peter was grinning smugly. Soon the whole room erupted in laughter while Pete did a little happy dance in his head.

"Tony, I told you Monopoly was never a good idea."
This was pretty much a filler chapter since a bunch of crap is gonna go down soon. Also if you're reading this and enjoying it (which I doubt anyone is) please comment so I can know not to give up on this book.

hE nEeD sOmE...

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