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Loki's POV (you aren't ready I'm so sorry)
After the whole "banished to Earth" thing, somehow Thor had convinced Odin to allow Loki free reign of the planet as long as his powers were kept under check. It was the first time Loki had ever thanked his 'brother'.

He had vomited shortly afterwards.

The only real downfall of this- well, besides having his powers stripped and having to live as a human- was that Thor had the power to summon Loki at the snap of his fingers in case of any Avengers emergencies that he was now required to help with.

So Loki was naturally disgruntled whenever he was suddenly in the middle of Avengers Tower. He had been in the middle of an amazing novel, and that oaf had the nerve to call him in? That mewling quim would be getting an earful.

His long mental list of insults came to a halt whenever he realized he had been summoned to the medical rooms of the tower. And every Avenger had tears streaming down their faces.

Only one person was missing.

The only person who had accepted the god after knowing what he had done. Accepted him with no strings attached, without flinching as he came near. By Odin, the child had hugged him immediately after meeting him!

Loki shook his head vigorously and staggered backwards. "No, you people may be idiots, but you would never allow the child to be hurt. You can't be stupid enough to let him go back. Please tell me you weren't stupid enough to let them take him, take Peter," he asked almost pleadingly.

Thor approached his brother with teary eyes and a grim face. "Brother, I'm sorry-"

The God of Mischief cut him off by walking up and poking his finger into Thor's chest. "No, you are not allowed to apologize. You don't deserve the ability to speak, not when that precious child probably cannot even move. You people let him be injured, to what degree I do not know, but considering your states it must be bad. I demand to see him. Now!" he cried after no one moved to obey him.

Someone scrambled from their seat, Loki payed no mind to who it was considering he hated all of them at the moment, and opened up a door.

Loki froze on the threshold.

There, in a bed many sizes too big for him, layed a small and pale Peter. Many wires were running to and from his body. There was even one in his throat, as well as his nose. Bandages covered almost all of his skin.

Ignoring the bile that had risen in his throat, Loki sealed the door behind him with a spell that almost sent him to his knees. It was a quite simple bit of magic, but his punishment made him weak.

Sinking down into a chair by the boys bed, Loki sent one last glance over the frail form before beginning to speak.

"I never thought I would owe a debt to a child, but I do," he began. "Peter, you were the first person to accept me, to look past my faults and- admittedly- very large mistakes. You saw a broken man instead of an evil god, something I will forever be thankful for."

He took a moment to collect his thoughts before continuing. "I would heal you in a heartbeat if my punishment allowed it, but alas, I have been cursed with the worst disease known to man, weakness. Believe me, I would fight Odin to get it back, but I doubt he would react kindly to that. So we are going to have to rely on Midgardian medicinal practices, no matter how low-grade they are," Loki said jokingly, trying to lighten the mood.

But there was no way to lighten a conversation with someone hanging onto life by a thread.

The god felt himself tearing up for the first time in years. "You are truly a miracle, Peter Parker. You are my favorite person in all of the Nine Realms, which says a lot considering my antisocial tendencies. You deserve nothing that you have gone through in your short life, and it shouldn't have to end now. So please, Peter, hold on," he pleaded.

"I asked people to kneel for me, you know," he asked hoarsely, not expecting an answer. "I wanted them to beg for mercy while I was under Thanos's control. But now I am the one begging, child. I beg for you to stay here with those people you call family. For they are broken, and only you can fix them. And I have hope that you can fix me, too," he choked out.

Wiping his face once more, Loki left the room and faced the wrath of worried superheroes. But he silenced their questions with a raised hand.

"Who did this to him, and where can I find them?" he growled.

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