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Third Person POV
Peter didn't know how long he had been at the Hydra base. There were no clocks or windows in his cell, so there was no way for him to tell. He had figured out some sort of schedule, though.

Everyday three things would happen. First, a man would give Peter two slices of stale bread and a cup of questionable water as his meal. Second, an agent would come to his cell and take him to the torture room to try and get information about the Avengers. Peter never said a word. And lastly, they would make him train against other agents. Peter didn't know why they made him do this, but he would have to go back to the torture room if he didn't, so he always complied. He never hurt anyone, though.

And everyday after the bad men had given him new scars, both mental and physical, Peter would pray to anything he could think of and ask them to let him see his family again. Even if it was only one more time.

Every night he would repeat everyone's name and picture their faces in his head. Nat, Bucky, Steve, Tony, Clint, Sam, Wanda, Pietro, Stephen, Bruce, Thor, and Loki. He was so scared he would forget them. So just in case, he started memorizing the little things, like the exact shade of Nat's hair, or the stupid smile on Sam's face every time he made fun of Bucky. It was his way of keeping them close to his heart.

"If I stay strong like a superhero, they'll come back for me," he would say. But he was losing hope.

Because what if they never came?
The Avengers were struggling. Their favorite person, the kid who held the team together, was still missing.

"Why did we never ask him where the base he was kept in was?" Tony groaned tiredly. He had been living off coffee brewed with Red Bull for the past sixteen days and it was starting to take a toll on him.

Bucky sighed and said, "Because asking him would've brought back up bad memories. The kid has PTSD, Tony, and I would bet you right now that even saying the word 'Hydra' in front of Peter would cause a panic attack."

"I hate it when you're right," Tony grumbled.

FRIDAY interrupted their little glare session. "Boss, I think I've located the base."

The entire team shot straight up in their seats, and Natasha and Bucky ran to the screen Tony was looking at.

"God, the base is in Queens, that's not far away at all. How did we miss that?"

Steve walked over and placed a comforting hand on Bucky's shoulder. "I don't know, Stark, but right now we need to suit up."
This is just a filler chapter before the action coming next.

Also, if you guys could pray or keep my friend in your thoughts or do whatever you can it would mean a lot. My best friend's great grandmother is in the hospital and they don't know if she's gonna make it. This girl is basically my sister and the only family she has left is her mom, grandmother, and great grandmother. It will take a huge toll on her if she passes, especially considering the mental state my friend is in right now. Thank you guys, it would mean a lot.

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