Attached. Not Literally, Petey, Jeez!

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Nat's POV
Nat had just made it back to the tower, thankfully not having left the takeout on the train in all of the chaos. The kid was sat in the crook of her arm, playing with her curls and babbling away. She knew he could walk but he just had this quality that made her want to cuddle with him at all times.

Natasha had decided that if anything happened to her baby spider she would kill everyone in the room and then herself.

She looked down at the mass of brown curls buried in the crook of her neck once she got back to the tower, realizing he had fallen asleep on the way back. Quietly, Nat got into the elevator after passing through the lobby.

"FRIDAY, can you take us to the common rooms?"

The AI caught onto Natasha's soft tone and copied it when replying, "Of course, Scary Spider Lady and guest."

Nat rolled her eyes at the name Tony had programmed FRIDAY to call her before an idea popped into her head.

"FRI, can you scan... um, the kid for injuries and find out who he is if you can?" She probably should've asked the kid for his name before she kidnapped him.

"I can look for any injuries, but you will most likely have to give a DNA sample to Boss in order to find an identity."

"Okay, thanks FRI."

The young boy's nose nudged against Nat's neck as he squirmed in her arms, a puff of air leaving his lips as he started to wake up.

The assassin's eyes softened at the boy sleepily rubbing his eyes with his chubby little fists before asking, "Did you have a good nap, my little spider monkey?"

The little mutant yawned before nodding groggily and burrowing back into the woman's neck.

Natasha smiled gently at the boy before a wave of dread overtook her. What if the kid had a family? She had only known the toddler for around an hour and she was already extremely attached. She had even given him a pet name! Well, that was mostly because she didn't know his real name. It was hard not to love the little boy seconds after meeting him, especially considering how adorable he was. Heck, the Black Widow, a woman known for being a cold hearted killer in her past life, had fallen in love with the boy and he hadn't even said a comprehensible sentence to her yet!

Nat was broken from her depressing revery by FRIDAY's oddly human voice saying, "My scans have informed me that the child has multiple incorrectly healed broken ribs, as well as a fractured wrist and ankle healed in the same way. He is also severely dehydrated and seems to be close to starvation. I would suggest an immediate visit to the medical bay in order to get fluids into his body before it shuts down."

The hero's eyes widened to a comically large size as she cursed rather loudly, demanding that FRIDAY speed up the elevator and to tell Bruce to prepare a bed and IV in the med bay.

As soon as the elevator doors opened, Nat stormed into the common rooms, panic building up in her stomach. She vaguely recognized the other Avengers standing from the couches and looking over her for injuries as she ran towards the stairwell to get to the med bay. The elevator would be too slow.

"Nat, you shouldn't be running! FRIDAY said you were going to the med bay!" Cap exclaimed towards the blur of red hair and black leather, but all he got in response was boxes of takeout tossed into his chest. He huffed as the others cheered at the prospect of food.

The Avengers are a mood. I would 100% abandon anything and everything for food.

My insomnia is acting up and I keep having nightmares when I do sleep so expect a crap ton of chapters tonight. Plus when I went to bed last night I sleep walked and bruised half of my body by ramming into my bookshelf. Fun.

Stay in drugs and don't do school

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