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Mentions of a panic attack
Bucky POV
Bucky had known deep down that the bad men Peter had talked about were Hydra, but he had held hope in his heart that it had been someone else. Someone less cruel, less destructive and traumatizing.

He wished that Peter had never experienced torture like he had, but he did go through it, so he only hoped it wasn't Hydra. That it wasn't the people he knew so well. Nobody should deal with those people alone, or at all.

But seeing his reaction to their symbol, his little bit of hope was crushed.

Peter was shaking. Bucky turned him in his arms and tried not to draw attention to the situation. Peter didn't like a lot of attention.

The boy's eyes were unfocused, like he wasn't in the room with the Avengers, but stuck in his own head.

"Peter, I need you to focus on me, ok? Pete. Peter!"

His shaking only got worse, and Bucky's worry skyrocketed. He knew what it was like to have an anxiety attack, and he wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy, let alone the toddler in his arms.

Steve. Steve had helped him with his panic and anxiety attacks, so he could help Peter, right?

"Steve! Peter, he's having an anxiety attack. You have to help him, please! Please help him!"

Bucky knew that he was begging, that his boyfriend could probably see the wild look in his eyes, but he didn't particularly care at that moment. The blond man looked over at his partner worriedly before gazing at Peter in his arms. They boy now had his hand pressed to his shoulder and there were tears running down his face.

Steve rushed to their side and picked up Peter, cradling him like a baby. "Hey, Peter. I need you to focus on me, okay buddy? Can you do that for me?"

Bucky could tell his boyfriend was doing his best to stay calm, but Peter had stolen all of their hearts in the few days he'd been with them, so seeing him in pain hurt them like nothing else could.

Peter didn't respond. Instead, he passed out in Steve's arms.

Bucky took Peter from Steve, intending to take him to the med bay until he heard a cry come from Wanda.

The witch was on her knees by her chair. Pietro was doing his best to comfort her, but considering he had no clue what made her so distressed, it was difficult.

Shakily, the witch stood and pressed her palm to Peter's forehead. Red wisps circled his head before fading. The group looked at her curiously.

"I gave him good dreams,"she whispered in a hoarse voice. They all nodded in thanks.

Pietro warily made his way to his sister's side. "Wanda, can you tell us what you saw? It will probably help us help Peter."

Wanda exhaled shakily, almost like she was preparing herself, before levitating Peter out of Bucky's arms. She reached up and pulled up Peter's sleeve to show multiple burn marks. The group gasped, but she only shook her head sadly before gently yanking down the top of his shirt to show his shoulder.

More specifically, the Hydra brand on his shoulder.

Curses and death threats against Peter's torturers echoed around the room while Wanda only looked sadly at the ground. "I saw how he got them. They made him watch through a mirror as they did it, and if he looked away or closed his eyes, they pressed a hot pipe against his skin. H-he is only a child. They did that to a child!"

Wanda was in tears again, reliving the memory that wasn't her own over and over again.

Bucky left the room with Peter in his arms, trusting the rest of the group to calm down the frantic witch. Silent tears were streaming down his own cheeks as he carried Peter into the elevator.

Bucky brought him into his and Steve's shared bedroom and layed down, laying the boy on his chest. Peter instinctively curled into a little ball and clutched Bucky's shirt with his fists.

The older man smiled shakily and wrapped his arms around the boy.

Right then and there, Bucky promised protect Peter with everything he had.
This chapter sucked I know, but my Brucie Boy is gonna be a Star in the next chapter so I'm excited.

Chris, is that a weed?!? I'm calling the police!

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