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Third Person POV
No one was ready to give up on Peter.

None of them could believe that he was almost gone, but the decision was forced down their throats and there was nothing they could do about it.

All of them entered his small hospital room slowly, hoping that the longer they took, the more time they would have with him.

They formed a small circle of chairs around his bed. The Avengers knew that none of them would be able to say goodbye alone, so they decided to do it together.

"Hey, Peter," Sam started, his normally cheery voice sounding somber and hoarse. "I don't really know what I'm supposed to say. I know I wasn't the closest to you, but you were still my favorite Avenger. I liked you more than Redwing, which should tell you a lot," he tried to joke.

No one laughed. Instead, they all teared up because of the same thing.




The idea of talking about Peter in the past tense hurt more than anyone ever expected.

"I've missed you, bud," Steve said. He knew he wouldn't last much longer without choking up so he decided to get his part over with. "It's been quiet without you running around the tower. But there's only one things I really need to say to you," he choked out. "Thank you for making Bucky happy. I've never seen him smile so much, not even in the forties. You've made him happier than he's ever been in his life, and I thank you for that."

Pietro and Wanda went next, sitting hand in hand with silent tears streaming down their faces.

"We saw ourselves in you, Peter," Wanda begin, reading her brother's thoughts and merging them with hers to create their goodbye. "The experiments, the need to do good in the world, wanting so badly to be accepted. Both of us thought of you as the little sibling we always asked our parents for before the bombing. We truly will miss you, маленький паук," she sobbed out, her brother and his boyfriend wrapping an arm around her in comfort.

Clint and Bruce simply bowed their heads at the boy, knowing it said more than any words they could ever say.

Loki watched solemnly as everyone around him mourned for a boy that had yet to die. He had never been good at formulating words to describe his emotions, so instead he entered Peter's mind and made sure the last images in his mind were happy memories with his true family.

Thor was off world, not being able to watch as the child he had become so fond of withered away like a pile of ash.

Lastly was Tony. He couldn't bear watching another person he loved lose their life, especially considering that he could've done something about it. He could have saved him, but he was too late. He didn't deserve to say goodbye.

Every person in the room shared a look. Bucky and Natasha were closest to Peter. They were his parents. So they all stood up and left them to stew in a thick silence.

Bucky cleared his throat and began speaking from his heart, no matter how painful it was.

"I didn't deserve you, Peter. I didn't deserve the happiness you brought me, the light you brought into my life, everything you gave to me without even knowing it. I didn't deserve that because you didn't deserve what happened to you. You didn't deserve to be tortured, to be orphaned, to be experimented on. And you definitely didn't deserve being kidnapped and taken back to those sick bastards," he forced out despite the lump in his throat. "I could've prevented all of those things. And that's why I don't deserve you.

"But selfishly, I still think about every moment I was able to spend with you. I cherished them because, deep down, I knew that it would be ripped away from me just like everything else. I love you so much, Peter, and I'm so sorry for letting this happen to you," he choked out.

Nat simply placed a trembling hand on his shaking shoulder, feeling the exact same way.

"You know I tend to do things prematurely, Peter, so I already gave you my goodbye speech a while ago. But that doesn't mean seeing you like this hurts any less," she began shakily. "You're my son. And no parent should have to watch their child die. But I guess this is my punishment for all I've done," she chuckled darkly. "I just wish they would've taken me instead of you. I love you, my little spider monkey, and I'll continue to love you. No matter what barriers separate us," she whispered.

A few minutes later, the rest of the team entered the room with red-rimmed eyes and slouched postures.

And they sat in a grim silence until the doctor entered the room.
Sorry this one took so long, I found a lot of criminal minds fan fiction and got distracted :/ but now you have this garbage. So appreciate it. Love it. And then have it ripped away from you like Peter was ripped away from them.

Bring the beat in!

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