Uncle Tony

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Third Person POV
After Peter's demonstration, no one could focus on training so they went back to the living room and just hung out. Well, most of them did. Tony hadn't been down to his lab in a while and wanted to work on his new project.

The Avengers were very intently watching Gnomeo and Juliet, so they didn't notice Stark's disappearance. Peter, however, didn't know what a gnome was and was very confused about why they were all singing. So he decided to follow the genius before he had a stroke.

Toddling down the hall, Peter located the elevator and looked up at the ceiling. "Miss FRIDAY, can you take me to Mr Stark, please?" he asked the AI, his r's sounding more like w's.

"Of course, Peter." God, even the robot had a soft spot for the kid.

The elevator arrived at the lab, and Peter immediately covered his ears. Tony was blasting AC/DC and it was hurting Peter's enhanced senses. Apparently FRIDAY noticed the boy's distress as the music was immediately turned off.

Tony squawked indignantly at the AI before turning towards the small boy huddled near the elevator. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion and mild annoyance. "Peter? What are you doing here?"

The kid in question just shrugged sheepishly before investigating the room, Stark trailing close behind. He usually wouldn't let anyone look around his lab like this-well, besides Stephen- but the kid was a genius and he wanted to know what he would do.

Peter stopped by Tony's most recent project. There were papers scattered everywhere, covered in scribbled out equations and pieces of scrap metal. Peter hesitated while looking at one problem, looking at Tony, the paper, then back again. He finally picked up a pencil and sloppily corrected the equation.

"If you want the repulsor blasts to be more stable you need to balance these," the toddler explained, pointing at some numbers, "not multiply them."

Tony gaped at the kid. Him and Bruce had been struggling with that equation for days and a literal three year old had just figured it out in seconds. "If anyone asks, I solved this. And you can call me Uncle Tony. I feel like Frosty 2: Electric Boogaloo already took the dad title."
Guess who fell out of their bed last night and screwed up their wrist? This idiot! *does the thumb point shake thingy*

This is another filler chapter because there are some big plot twisty things happening soon.

wHeN wIlL yOu LeArN, tHaT yOuR aCtIoNs...

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