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Peter's POV
Peter was having a very pleasant dream. He and a little blond boy with scars covering his face were running around in superhero costumes, fighting bullies in the park. He was rudely awakened by screaming, though.

"Happy birthday, Peter!" his family screamed.

The brunette boy sat up and rubbed his bleary eyes. All of the Avengers were crowded around his bed with armfuls of presents. Tony was stood right at the foot of the bed with a small tower of waffles, sparklers sticking out of the sticky maple syrup.

"Thank you," he mumbled back tiredly, in awe of the colorful gifts. He had never gotten birthday presents before!

Natasha scooped Peter into her arms and he wrapped his arms around her neck loosely. "Come on, spider monkey, we need to eat breakfast so you can open your presents."

Peter just nodded and snuggled his head into her neck, trying to get a few more minutes of sleep before they sat down.

He ate his waffles like a madman when he finally got to the table, the strong smell of Nutella pancakes and crispy bacon waking him up instantly.

"Present time!" Tony squealed, running to the living room with a freshly poured cup of coffee

The Avengers looked at him, horrified.

He had taken coffee from Clint's personal coffee pot.

"Am I in Uncle Tony's will, Daddy?" Peter whispered to Bucky, causing him to snort into his orange juice.

Before he could reply, the table turned their attention to the sound of a can open. They all watched with terrified expressions as Clint poured three redbulls into his coffee and downed the entire pot in seconds. Then, he stood up and twirled the handle of the pot around his finger like a cowboy.

"FRI, make sure you get this on camera," the archer called out to the AI.

When FRIDAY answered that she would, Clint took off towards the living room with a battle cry that could make Tarzan cry.

Stephen calmly used his wizard magic to portal all of Peter's presents onto the newly bare kitchen table. "I didn't want them to be bloodied," he told the group when he saw their confused faces.

They only shrugged in response before pushing the gifts to Peter.

"Open them, Petey," Bucky urged when he saw the boy's reluctant expression.

Reassured, Peter began ripping open wrapping paper.

Pietro and Clint had given him a small charm bracelet with a charm representing each Avenger. Peter didn't know the two most childish heroes could be so sentimental.

Stephen had promised him lessons on how to use his magic, Loki a snake pendant with an emerald eye that would alert the god of Peter was in danger, and Thor had planned a trip to Asgard in the next week.

Tony being Tony had taken Peter's hero hoodie and put an AI in it, that the child had named Karen after the spongebob character. Wanda had given him some cute rings since he had started to steal hers. Steve drew him a picture of him, Nat, and Bucky from the first day of Peter being at the tower, where he was sitting in Bucky's lap and holding Nat's hand, both adults looking at him with an adoring expression.

The rest of the team had just given him knickknacks and clothes, but the best present came from his mommy and daddy.

Once he had finished opening all of the gifts on the table, Bucky picked him up and put him in his lap as Nat kneeled in front of him.

"Petey, me and Bucky got you what we hope is a great present," she told him almost nervously. "We had Tony pull a few strings with some government officials and..." she trailed off, handing Peter a box wrapped in red and blue paper.

He opened it curiously only to gasp.

The paper inside read 'Certificate of Adoption'.

"You're-you're my real mama and daddy now," he asked them, not believing it was real.

Bucky nodded behind him, thankful his son couldn't see the tears in his eyes. "You're our son now, Petey. Forever."

Peter let out a choked sob, small tears falling from his eyes. Nat and Bucky immediately pulled him into a hug.

"I love you," he whimpered out to both of them.

It didn't matter that they weren't his biological parents. It didn't matter that they weren't dating. It didn't matter that Bucky had a boyfriend and Natasha didn't do relationships. All that mattered was that they were together.

His parents smiled a tearful grin.

"We love you too, our little Spider-Man."

The End

This book will have a sequel, and the first chapter should be up in a few days. It's gonna be really gay and really fluffy. Pretty much like this one, now that I think about it.

Peter will be going to high school after being homeschooled all of his life because the Avengers have separation anxiety, and he's gonna meet Wade Winston Wilson which should be fun.

So if you liked this story, please check out the next one when it comes out.

Larb you 3000

Subway Spider: Peter Parker Superfamily StoryOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant