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"Listen Irene, you're gonna have to be feeding me caviar and champagne for the next few decades. Six months trapped with Old Giuseppe isn't pretty."

Cairo sighed into the satellite phone, glancing back at her teammates who were setting the dinner table.

"As long as they're treating you well, Leone." She paused for a second as her brother snorted loudly. "If you're being fed, watered and not injured you're doing ok."

"Yeah, I know. I know," he groaned. "How's life in España, hermana? This Profesor lad's treating you alright, yeah?"

"He's a little on the serious side if I'm being honest," she smiled, glancing over at the man as he sat down at the head of the table. "I don't really see him getting along with uncle Martin. He's got a bit of stick shoved up his ass."

"Irene!" Cairo grimaced, pulling the phone away from her ear at her brother's playful shout. "Go wash your mouth out with soap!"

"You're a little bitch, Leone I hope you know that-"

"Hey, Cairo!" Roma yelled. "If you don't hurry up I'll eat your paella!"

"If you touch my paella, I'll fuck you up Roma!"

"Roma?" Her brother's obnoxious voice squealed. "Who's Roma? Sounds like a boyfriend-"

"Listen, Leone," she interrupted. "I have to go. If I don't get to call you again, you know i love you, no matter how stupid you are."

"Aw, sunshine! I love you too," he replied. "But if I find out you've been fucking some dude instead of getting me out of here I'll-"

Cairo hung up the phone with a chuckle. You'd never know that Leo was the older of the two siblings. To be honest, you wouldn't know they were siblings upon seeing them in the same room. Leo looked like their Italian mother; dark hair he'd bleached blonde, tattoos wrapping around his muscular arms and neck, a wild look in his piercing eyes. Their mother had been quite the looker in her youth too. Cairo on the other hand looked just like their Spanish father; dark colouring and olive skin, strong eyebrows and an elegant neck. Though she'd be the first to admit that she enjoyed more of tacky look as opposed to her father's tailored suits and silver cuff links.

She tucked the phone back into her jacket pocket and jogged over to the dinner table to take her seat between Roma and Denver. The former passed her a plate loaded with paella.

"Aw, Roma!" She cooed as she looked down at the plate. "Did you take all the seafood out for me?"

The man pulled at the ends of his hair sheepishly at her loud comment.

"Yeah well, you know I like prawns," he muttered. "And you won't eat them so I didn't want them to go to waste."

"Who doesn't eat prawns?" Denver asked, his mouth full of food.

"I'm vegetarian," Cairo wrinkled her nose.

"Oh, I didn't know," Denver suddenly turned somber and reached over to gently hold her hand in his. "I'm so sorry. How long do you have left? Shouldn't you be in hospital?"

"What do you think 'vegetarian' means, exactly?" Roma asked him over Cairo's head.

"It's when you need someone to like feed you because you can't do it yourself, no?" Denver asked without a hint of a joke. "Like when you need a tube and everything."

"That's vegetative!" Nairobi laughed loudly from across the table. "And Cairo definitely doesn't look vegetative to me. Vegetarian is where you don't eat meat or fish, Denver."

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