Chapter Seven

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We had officially landed in Albuquerque, New Mexico and it was all I ever imagined it to be.

Well, just by the international airport. But the warm summer hot air danced around me, with an exotic feel and the cool breeze of the night sky.

I had never been outside my small city before, let alone the state and this was the adventure I had worked so hard for. I wasn't going to let some egotistic maniac and his "special" friend ruin that.

I was now walking through the airport doors after we all unloaded from the plane with Amber right next to me with Carson, holding onto her and Hunter checking his phone.

I hadn't seen Jace since our discussion if I could even call it that, or even Rachel and I was fine with that.

The passengers were out doing what they wanted to do with this 2 stop flight. Explore. Which was what those two were probably doing to each other right now.

It was exactly what I wanted to do too but of course alone just like I wanted it to be. I was already thinking of all the pictures I had planned on taking and sending into my parents.

"How's was your first flight working new girl?" Hunter asked me.

"So exciting! Really, I can't believe I'm here!" I said happily. They all smiled.

"It would've been nicer for her if your buddy wasn't bothering her though. Come on Carson and Hunter, what's his deal?" Amber then asked him. He smirked.

"That's just who Jace is. He's just shocked that someone is rejecting him so coldly. By the way, he definitely didn't appreciate that slap in the face you gave him. Though if you asked me, I'd pay anything to film it." He told me.

I smiled proudly. My mamma didn't raise no fool.

"Again I say new girl, you've got some serious balls!" She said pulling me into a side hug.

I giggled shyly. I loved how vocal and open how these three were toward me, like they knew me all of my life. It was quite refreshing to see since growing up.

Being what my classmates liked to call me which was the uptight perfectionist, I didn't have a lot of friends to talk or hang around with. It was just how I was for everything.

My parents wanted me to be successful, better than they were since they had me at an young age and had to drop out of school to get a job and take care of me. So, they forced me to work my butt off and now it just became second nature to me.

"I'm just now wondering what we should do first!" I said full of anticipation.

They both looked to me and began laughing teasingly as I looked to them mystified.

"We're in a layover new girl. Now if we were in a 15 hour layover, we could plan whatever we want to do. But tonight, we're only here for a few hours until 5:00AM tomorrow morning when we take off again." Amber explained.

"Which means, the flight crew has to be back here at 4:00AM. All I plan to do tonight is to eat and sleep." Carson then said.

"Mind if I join you?" Amber then asked flirtatiously to him. He smiled and shrugged.

"Like I would ever say no." He answered. Hunter smiled and walked up to them further.

"Me too right?" He then asked them.

"No!" Carson said to him.

"Worth a shot." Hunter replied shamefully. I laughed. Amber turned to me and smiled.

"But don't worry, you can still have fun tonight. This is your first layover. Go by the resort bar and see if you can get a few hot guys numbers." Amber then said, now leaning over to me whispering. "Then give me a few if you get too much." She finished. Carson looked to her offended. She smirked to him. "You knew it was coming back."

Carson smiled and nodded understandingly.

"Or you can just change your mind and I'll make this trip worth your while." I then heard Jace say behind me.

I groaned and shook my head. Of course he wasn't too far away from me. Hunter, Carson, and Amber then turned around to see Jace and sneered.

"How about you drop dead?" I snapped back. The group chuckled.

"You promise to be the sexy nurse to come and bring me back to life if I do?" He then asked me.

Soon, I felt his arm becoming wrapped around my shoulder as I quickly scoffed and pushed it away from me annoyed.

Man his closeness to me right now was very somewhat captivating, but I wasn't having it.

"Jace! Leave the girl alone. She's clearly shown how she's not interested in you." Amber then said casually. He shook his head and began to walk backwards in front of me.

"That's funny. Because not once has she actually said those words to me yet." He said now winking to me, turning back around and walking off.

I glared to him and was about to say them but for some stupid reason, I couldn't bring myself to.

Especially after that charming and boyish wink he just gave me, sent my mind racing through many thoughts I knew he'd love to know I was having.

"God he's so annoying!" I said storming off ahead and the opposite direction of the group.

The rest of the group then laughed hysterically behind me knowing it was the truth.


I was unpacking my bag a little in my hotel room, watching the sky get darker knowing it was only hours before I had to get right back up and on our way for 16 more hours.

Doing so with Jace Bennett in my rear view mirror every 10 minutes, wasn't going to be fun.

Right now, I just wanted to go to sleep and forget about the trying day I had, and focus on the positive of how I was literally living out my dream I knew I could do.

But as I was about to curl up into my warm and comfy covers...until I realized I hadn't ate in over 12 hours. I was too excited about my first day, I was too nervous too last night, this morning, or this afternoon.

Groaning and feeling nauseated, I sighed to myself and and grabbed my room card key and wallet, heading downstairs to the supposed bar everyone was raving about.

At least that couldn't go wrong.

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