Chapter Twenty-Four

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Entering inside Belle's home, I was pleasantly pleased with the quaint and cozy feel of the place. Reminded me of my home with my parents. How it was so quiet and comfortable.

I was starting to feel a little homesick and a sense of peace would be amazingly helpful. But deep down inside of me, I wasn't at peace at all.

I could see Jace and Belle's attraction to each other from the second they met. More so on her end and it just kept racing through my mind if I did miss my shot to let him know I wanted no other man in the world but him.

"Your house looks incredible." I told her, trying to remain cool and collected.

"Thanks! A friend did the decorations after they owed us too." She told us.

I was mystified at what her and her family did so much that her friends owed them private helicopters and become private interior designers.

"Of course we also might look into a trained pilot's number, just in case if needed." Belle said now gleaming to Jace. He smirked.

"Well at this rate if I get fired, I don't see what else I could do." He said.

I looked to them a bit frozen. I guess he had to consider the offer if we didn't make this work and get back in time.

I had to give props to Belle though, she did know how to subtly flirt with men she clearly wanted to know more about.

"So! Helicopter! Where is it?" I asked trying to change the subject.

I had better see one soon or this was for all we knew, another trick to get us backed into a corner and questioning our safety.

"I have to ask my folks for it which in this case, I have to bribe them with free airlines tickets through the states." She said.

"We can't do that." I told her shaking my head.

I couldn't do that myself if I didn't have a job anymore. She giggled and nodded.

"Oh I know. They don't! Try not to miss me too much." She replied biting her lip down toward him, before turning away and heading into another room.

Jace shyly began fidgeting watching her go as I smirked to myself nodding. Why did I think he wanted me for more than what he normally offered?

"She seems a bit different. Doesn't she?" He then asked me. I shrugged.

"I don't know. She seems more like she's very indulged in you." I said dryly.

"Really?" He then asked bewildered. I nodded and sighed.

I didn't want to be jealous but it was bothering me how light he was taking all of this.

He couldn't be this blind. I knew I was and the minute I was proven wrong with Miguel, I almost got in deeper trouble than I ever imagine myself getting into. I just feared that he was going to be the next victim if he let his guard down, which was what he was clearly doing.

I didn't have a chance with him as I thought. I guess we were always just gonna to be friends.

"Oh come on Jace. Like you don't know. She's fawning all over you. But hey, that's what you want right? Women to be this easy to you?" I asked him.

He looked at me carefully now tensing up staring at me.

"What? Why would you still think that Aaliyah?" He asked me getting defensive. The nerve.

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