Chapter Fifteen

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Maribel was still carrying us along through the side streets of New Mexico.

Me and Jace were becoming more confused by the second as we had no clue where she was taking us. I mean, we had sight on only one roadway to El Paso but she was starting to go in the opposite direction.

"Hey Maribel. Care to tell us what stop we're making?" Jace then asked cautiously.

"'s a good one." She answered calmly again, but now gritting her teeth.

I was getting actually worried for not only her well being but for ours. She hadn't said one word since meeting us without shouting at us and now, she was cool as a freakin' cucumber.

All we suddenly then kept hearing was grunts and shakes of her head, as I could tell something was wrong. Whatever it was, we were about to find out.

She soon stopped her car in the middle of the road across from a bright red one in front of an apartment building as she smirked.

"Since I helped you guys out, you wanna help me?!" She then asked back to her normal mood.

I didn't know what I was about to agree to but we didn't have time on our side, so we pretty much didn't have a choice.

"Uh sure..." I said suspiciously.

"Good! Get out!" She said cheerily.

She then opened the driver door and walked to the trunk as I turned to Jace a bit fearfully.

"Jace, if I'm not back in 10 minutes tell my parents I love them...and Amber and Carson that they were my favorites." I told him. He looked a bit offended.

"Well I won't now!" He answered back. I sighed and opened my car and followed her back.

Once I got out of the car and went to Maribel's trunk, she took out a metal baseball bat out and handed it to me casually. "Hold this!" She said.

I smiled shyly and nodded. Maybe she was just dropping off a few baseball equipment to a friend. But why was she so pissed a minute ago?

She then grabbed a can of paint in her hand and smiled to me once again and handed the handle to me. "This too!" She ordered. I nodded and did as told.

"Is that everything?" I asked sounding a bit rushed.

I was keeping an eye on my watch on my wrist as it was peeking early afternoon hoping this would be quicker than this was turning out to be.

"Sure is bestie!" She said happily.

She then walked over to the red car across from us grabbing the bat from me and smiled to me giddily.

"Ever had a boyfriend Miss Aaliyah?" She asked me.

"Uh, no! Can't say I have yet. Pretty much shot that down in school with the whole stuck up thing we just went over in the car." I told her. She nodded.

"Well I'm glad Jace is showing you how a woman gets treated." She said.

My eyes widened and my body got hot.

"What?! Me and Jace?! No we're not dating, we're just friends! He doesn't even really like me." I said to her.

"Yeah?! Well could've fooled me! He stared at you the entire time we've been driving pretty much. But don't boyfriend doesn't like me either." she said back to being calm.

She then did the unthinkable.

Suddenly, she began slamming the bat against the front window, then the back window, then it just became all the windows.

"Oh my god! What the heck are you doing?!" I asked shocked.

"He's cheating on me with Jenna Lipskey right now! This is his car! And this is the little whore's house!" She shouted angered and aggressively slamming it against the car once again.

"Maribel stop! We're going to get arrested!" I shouted.

"But at least he will get what's coming to him first!" She yelled.

She now grabbed the paint can from me and threw the baseball bat back to me.

I screamed and dropped it quickly. I didn't want to be linked to this act of vandalism and destruction.

I already had enough problems. Instantly, Jace got out of the car now looking shocked, stunned, and speechless staring at her and to me.

"What the f-" he began to say to us breathlessly.

"She's insane!" I shouted to him frozen in astonishment.

Quickly, a young man then raced out with a young woman in a bikini which it looked like they were somewhere in a pool as his eyes widened and rushed over to to Maribel.

"Maribel what you are doing?! Are you crazy?!" He asked her. She glared and shouted.

"You're a liar!" She yelled now opening the paint can top and pouring it all over him and the car.

"Oh my god, oh my god! Jace we're so getting arrested!" I shouted to him.

"Who are you guys?!" The man asked turning to Jace.

"Look man, we just got here! Your girl is the one that's crazy!" He fired back.

"Crazy with passion and love...for revenge!" Maribel then angrily shouted laughing insanely.

"Sir! I ain't with her! We ain't with her!" I yelled to him.

"Looks like your girlfriend is a psycho!" the other girl then shouted crossing her arms to him.

Me and Jace then eyes widened and turned to Maribel.

"Pyscho?! You want to see a pyscho?!" She screamed now grabbing her keys and began keying his car.

The man looked so stunned and shocked all he could right now...was faint on the ground.

"Come here you slut!" Maribel then shouted.

She then began chasing after the other girl, as she was screaming and running down the road.

"Jace! Let's get out of here!" I said to him.

He then raced over to me and held on tight to my waist trying to protect us from getting into this mess more than we already had unintentionally.

"How?! She has the car keys!" He said to me defensively.

"Let's just go anyway! We're a road away from entering El Paso, I took track in high school! You are as fit as a sexy ox! We can run it!" I shouted.

"Did you just call me sexy?!" He asked now smiling smugly.

I glared to him and stomped my foot. "Jace!" I shouted to him angrily.

"Sorry! Again, force of habit! What about our luggage?!" He asked me.

"Leave them! We have some money in our wallets! Hurry!" I yelled.

He nodded and grabbed my hand and we both began running for the road with all our might, until we turned around about to head off and another car came zooming passed us and instantly another turn of event happened.

A puddle of mud and water splashed on us as we stood there in shock and frozen with our bodies and clothes officially now messed up.

For working for "Basic Airwaves Airlines"...this ain't basic.

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