Chapter Nineteen

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I am so getting fired.

I just knew it. I felt it. This whole plan Aaliyah and Jace had cooked up, couldn't have sound so outlandish and so far from all of us pulling off. But I still had somewhat kind of faith.

I had to. I took a position to monitor, take new girl under my watch, my jurisdiction, and I lost her in a state. I knew Evette was going to rip me and Carson because we basically just put our professional word on the line, when it came to handling and taking care of them both.

Me more so than Carson. But I couldn't help it.

Aaliyah was so vibrant, new, and definitely had a little snap to her over perfectionist personality, which is why Jace was having such a hard time with her.

It was so entertaining and I could see they were attracted to each other more than anything they were letting on. In fact, it almost seemed like Jace wasn't treating this whole thing with her like a game he usually played with women.

He always looked too intent on seeing her and hoping she'd show some sign of interest in him. She was like something forbidden, he knew he couldn't have but felt emotionally attached to her.

I had never seen him stare so much at someone before. He would've longed move on by now.

But of course my best friend, Rachel always had to think the world centered around her and Jace when in reality he barely remembered her name. She never listened to me, but I knew what I was talking about. I had the best boyfriend out there to me.

Carson was kind, loving, supportive in anything I did, and always backed me up when I said something my mouth couldn't cash out.

But I'm known for speaking the straight truth. So if my best friend had her head up Jace's butthole each time he beckoned for her attention, everyone could better believe I was gonna call her out on it.

Me, Rachel, Carson, and Hunter were at the New Orleans airport in our boarding gate mini food court, taking a load off and having a quick bite to eat as our passengers were either exploring, boarding another flight, or waiting for our second one to take off and head straight to Miami.

"Carson babe, please sit down." I said. Rachel smirked.

"Yeah, your pacing is causing me anxiety." She told him.

He had been going back and forth in front of all of us for the past 10 minutes. We had an assignment to hold off this flight long as possible so Jace and Aaliyah could at least catch up to us here if possible, and act like this whole situation never happened.

But at this point looking at the time, it didn't seem like they were even close to being here.

"Oh I'm sorry Rachel that my worried state is making you feel uncomfortable. I almost forgot why you were you were the least likely person to give a crap if one of us died in a plane fire." Carson said sarcastically and annoyed.

"Look! We can't just sit here and do nothing. How the heck are we suppose to stall a plane?" Hunter then asked.

Me and Carson looked to each other and smirked, obviously on the same page.

I quickly got up with my phone and rushed over to him and grabbed his hand. "Let's do this."

He nodded and followed me heading to an off corner of the room. Quickly, I dialed Evette's number and instantly...she picked up.

"This is better be good Amber!" She yelled through the phone.

I quickly then out of panic then handed the phone straight to Carson with my eyes widened as he looked to me mystified.

"Pretend you're Jace!" I whispered shouted to him.

"I knew your plan judging by your face, it was crazy! She'll never believe I'm him. Jace doesn't sometimes believe he's Jace." Carson said.

"Just do it!" I ordered.

He instantly grabbed the phone and answered. That's my man.

"This is uh Jace! Yo! We got to delay the flight for at least 40 minutes Evette." He said in his best mocking impression voice. Talk about bad acting. He better be happy he's hot.

"What?! Why?!" She asked us. He shrugged. I hit his arm as he screeched loudly. "What was that?" Evette finished asking. Our eyes went into straight panic again.

"It was me! Jace Bennett! Your second favorite pilot, after Carson of course! Look, it's really important we postpone take off because I'm too busy having-" he started to say flustered.

I glared and grabbed the phone. I knew what he was going to say. It was by far going to be too TMI even for Evette.

"My period!" I shouted.

Quickly, everyone looked to us weirdly as I smiled smugly back to them. People don't intimidate me...except for Evette. She was in her own section alone.

"What?" Evette asked suspiciously.

"This is Aaliyah Woods. Yes, Jace is being very mindful and considerate and trying to delay the flight because I just remembered my period started...and I forgot to be prepared." I said shrugging unsure.

"Mindful and considerate? You being not prepared? That doesn't sound like Jace or Aaliyah. What is going on?" Evette asked.

"No really! I mean, ya know how these things sometimes work for us women." I then said shyly.

Evette didn't say a word for a brief moment and sighed. "Fine. You two are going to be the death of me. You can delay it no more than 20 minutes." She finally said.

"20 minutes?!" Me and Carson both shouted shocked. It was already cutting close to the 40.

"Do you want to make it 2?! Now stop talking to me! I've been enjoying these past hours with having no contact with you people!" Evette yelled before hanging up.

We both sighed in relief and shrugged. They had better get here quick.

"I'll go alert the passengers." Carson said. I nodded.

"Good! Oh by the way, if that man acts sideways like he's been doing all day, tell him he's on my menu for dinner if he has something else to say about the matter." I told him.

I liked handling people the way I did. It made them think twice before thinking I was a maid for them. Carson nodded and rushed back away as I turned, about to head out until I saw Rachel right in front of me glaring.

"What are you doing A? Do you want me to loose Jace over this girl?! At some point, we're gonna have to tell Evette the truth." She told me.

There was only so much I could take of her but Aaliyah was my new friend, I had to help her.

"What is your deal with her Rachel? She's just an innocent girl. She hasn't done anything wrong." I said.

"She's stealing and ruining everything! I'm the pretty one, I'm the girl Jace goes to! Why are you being more of a best friend to her than me?!" She asked me angrily. I smirked.

"Because she actually easy to get along with." I answered. She looked to me shocked.

"How about I tell Evette what she's really up to?" She warned. I scoffed.

"Then Jace would be fired too sweetheart!" I fired back mad. Someone had to set her straight.

"You can't keep doing this Rachel. It's like I can't even talk to you anymore unless it's about Jace. Why do you have little respect for yourself now? You're bright and smart Rachel. Smarter than this and the way you act. I know you. You shouldn't have to change who you are for anyone, especially any man. So let me tell you this...if you tell Evette any of this because of your jealousy, I'll make sure you'll regret it." I firmly told her before walking away.

I was done being friends with her if she was going to be like this.

I was going to have Aaliyah's back.

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