Chapter Twenty-Seven

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We were frozen in shock.

Evette Faye was behind us, she was staring at us. I could feel her glaring in the back of my head and judging by Jace's face...he could too.

"Turn around. Now." She said sternly.

We sighed in defeat. Goodbye job forever. I only knew you for a day. Literally.

We slowly did as told to see the woman who was the only reason we were still alive for this split second. There was no way we could hide the fact that we definitely weren't on a plane that wasn't deplaned yet. Unless it had been for at least an hour already.

So much uncertainty except for one thing that wasn't. We had some serious explaining to do.

"Evette! Great to see ya! You look good! Did you cut your hair or did something different with your look?!" Jace then asked shyly smiling. He was really not good at lying.

"Well yeah. My looks that's usually pissed off is now extremely furious!" She yelled to us before walking up to us, circling around. "Where were you two?! You're 20 minutes late and you didn't come from the plane! I know you weren't on it! Now, I'm already firing Carson. Then Amber. Then Hunter. Who's gonna be next? Start talking!" 

Well, at least we tried. Jace turned to me and stared carefully and longingly into my eyes and nodded. With just that one nod, I knew what he was going to do. I knew exactly why he was going to do it too.

I couldn't allow it. I wouldn't. This was his dream. His legacy to be close to his Uncle once again.

"It was-" he started to say. I stepped up a little, interjecting.

"My fault. I provoked Jace to miss the flight from Albuquerque and he, this whole time had been wanting to stop at nothing to get here. I'm so sorry about lying to you Evette but I panicked. I didn't know what to do after you threatened my job so I did what I thought was best. Truth is, working here for only even a day was the best day of my life. It will forever be the greatest memory I'd ever had and I couldn't have done it without you, Jace, Amber, Carson, Hunter, or even Rachel." I said getting choked up.

They all did a part and helped us. I wanted to give credit where credit was extremely due.

"Evette Faye, it was a pleasure working with you and I thank you for giving me an opportunity to shine. "Basic Airwaves Airlines" is the most amazing place I'd ever seen and worked for. Trust me when I say this. It truly has been quite the adventure." I finished, thinking of Belle's promising words.

I then took off my flight attendant badge and handed it to her sadly and sighed turning to Jace and shyly smiled to him. I would be forever grateful for what I had accomplished within the short hours of having this job. 

I learned, I taught, and I progressed into a stronger woman I knew now I can be. Wether I was up in the air or not. I could see Jace with tears swelling into his eyes and wanting to shake his head.

I shot him a look to ensure him I was going to be okay because I knew I was. As long as I knew he was still going to have a career in the end.

I gazed to Evette once more before proudly walking away, trying not to think of what I had just did. I soon suddenly then saw Amber, Carson, Hunter, and Rachel now in a rear off view of all three of us remaining quiet but with shocked, surprised, and even saddened expressions.

I couldn't believe they were feeling bad for me getting fired. But I felt moved. I had only knew them for a day and already, they had felt like family.

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