Chapter Twenty-Five

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Every wonder how crazy life can get? Very crazy with the day I've had.

But the craziest thing about it was simple...I had found someone for me.

Never thought it would be Jace Bennett though. But now that it was and he made me feel like the most special and amazing girl in the world, I wouldn't want him any other way.

We were stumbling back in from the backyard with our lips still locked together lustfully and intently. He was holding tight to my waist doing what I knew he would do best to me.

"Jace. We should probably stop. She's gonna come-" I tried to make out breathlessly.

He then clutched onto me tighter and I smiled squealing a bit blissfully.

"Who care about her?" he answered the same tone.

A changed man indeed. I didn't want to be rude to Belle, but having him all over me right now was everything I wanted when we started flirting at the LAX airport.

I kept tugging his hair and he kept a grip onto my bottom lip, biting it down for me gently before proceeding to keep deepening each kiss we made. This man was definitely a pro.

As we continued on, we could hear footsteps coming back in as I knew we had to stop.

But we surely couldn't find ourselves to actually do, so I then began to trailed down to his neck as he kept clenching his hands tightly on me.

Before anything happened though, we finally heard it.

"So guys, I do have a question-" Belle started to say entering back into the room.

Okay, it was really enough for right now. We both pulled away flushed blushing, panting, and eyeing each other lovingly, trying to hide our expressions from her.

"Yes! Belle! Question! You have!" I said nervously.

I could feel I was about to start my rambling on like before but instead I caught it in time and cleared my throat, stopping myself.

Jace glanced over to me and smirked smugly before turning back to Belle as well. Noticing, Belle looked at us now suspiciously and smiled.

"Oh! Sorry, did I interrupt ya'll or somethin'?" She asked kindly.

My eyes widened as Jace casually nodded. "You did." He finished nicely.

I held my hand up and hit him in the chest jokingly and blushed and grinned to myself. That was officially my new and improved man.

"Question. Let's hear it?!" I asked her shyly.

"Are ya askin' or tellin' me?" She asked me confused. Okay, I got to get better at this.

Jace chuckled as I nodded. "Telling." He answered for me. She smiled and held up some keys.

"All I was gonna ask was who's ready to go to Miami?" She answered, now putting on her sunglasses on her face smirking.

Me and Jace looked to each other happily and all for it. This was actually happening.

Maybe we didn't blow this operation after all.

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We were now in Belle's private helicopter and I was glad to be back in the air again. Turning to Jace, I could see the joy on his face too ready to take on whatever we were about to face.

At this rate, we could expect the unexpected. Belle was now driving as we kept raising up and up until we officially up in air with our headsets on our ears, looking around and down. She looked focused on her task.

For someone who just got her pilot license, she sure was driving like a pro to us.

"Thank you for doing this Belle!" I shouted to her over the noise of the plane.

"Yeah! To be honest, I thought you were going hold us against our will!" Jace added on.

"Believe me, that doesn't seem too far fetched! Actually refreshing to see a complete stranger come through for us on this journey being so open and honest!" I then said.

Belle giggled and shook her head, smirking.

"Guys I'm not honest!" She finally admitted causally.

"What?!" We both shouted.

"What do you mean?! Are we not going to Miami?!" I asked her cautiously.

"Of course we are! Though it does depend on how this worn out helicopter I took from the police goes!" She explained.

Me and Jace looked to each other worriedly and concerned. Did she just say took and police?

"Police?! You said your friend owed you!" Jace shouted.

"I wouldn't call him my friend! Me and my family are undercover agents on a case about these thieves who steal things like this! It's why I had to get my pilot license so they didn't suspect anything suspicious, and our targets would hire me. We came to New Orleans, picked up a fake accent, agency paid for the apartment, and we're closing in on these friends. I just took this piece of evidence to help you out!" She cheerfully answered.

Of course she was. It was official. Nothing was surprising to us anymore.

"How long do we have before this thing starts to crash?" Jace then asked.

"Uh, like 10 minutes!" She shyly answered. We both shot her death glares.

"10 minutes! That's not enough time to prepare!" He then shouted. I was rubbing off on him.

"Ugh, let's just do this already." I said shrugging. Okay, maybe he was also rubbing off on me.

"Ya know, saying your profession would've been nice before we all met!" Jace said.

"Well how could I tricked you if I told you the truth?" She asked us. We looked mystified. "It's was obvious how you guys felt about each other from the second I saw you both! Being already a good actress, I got the idea. Frankly Jace, you're my type buddy but I think you care a lot more about her. So I might've played easy to get for you to come to your senses and just like clockwork, it worked!" She explained.

We both looked to her carefully and let out a small smile still in the moment.

"You know Belle?! You are literally the coolest person we've met through this whole adventure. Sorry if I came off jealous!" I admitted.

"Jealous?! Hon, you were setting your man straight! Testing him to see if he crack! But take my advise, let him continue to wow you! There's not a lot of guys who would have done anything he has just to get some action! I overheard your conversation too!" She admitted. "Everybody hold on! We're going down!"

Jace held me tight and close. I gripped on his arm and we both looked to each other and nodded. We were prepared for anything knowing we would still be together.

Florida here we come.

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