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Camille(played by the beautiful Normani) and Caroline in the Medea💕

Caroline(one month later)

I placed the last red rose into my hair and tried to force a smile.

Today is the day of my father's funeral. Yes we are having a funeral 4 weeks later, and not the normal 1 or two. Because we are wolves our body's last longer after death, plus we have been busier than ever!

After mating, our pack had become stronger than we have ever been! This is also the only time this pack as had a young Luna and alpha.

The youngest before us was 40 and 46.

We have been doing so many meetings, it's ridiculous! Our neighbors became worried about our new strength, and thought we were trying to start a war.

Even though we told them that's not this, they have been still giving us the cold shoulder.

Not wanting to trade, not returning calls, just building their army.

Even though we don't wanna fight, we will if we have to.

Caleb has gotten a lot stronger! Cleo and Jake have been helping with that. He can actually run faster than me now, which I'm not completely happy with!

We also got some new pups! More names to learn, families to visit, places to go, and say more responsibility!

I haven't heard from Camille for a while. I mean we had a short conversation or two, but nothing More than 3 words. Some of my fighters told me that they saw her on the night of my fathers death. She was most likely coming to apologize, and got caught up in the bs. I just know she was scared! I hate that She had to see all that.

"Caroline, you ready"I heard my mate say.

I pushed all those thoughts out of my head and smiled knowing that Caleb was behind me.

"Yes, my love"I answered.

I grabbed his hand and we both walked out to the funeral.

"Gran Gran, I'm here!"I yelled walking into her large house.

Since my father was murdered by those THINGS, my mother started taking drugs to the point where she was unrecognizable.

She would take my money, my clothes, everything! Then she sells it all for money to get more drugs.

She sold our house a while ago, so I have been staying with my granny. Which is the literally worse case!

Don't get me wrong I love my granny, I mean she's my granny, but she's what you would call....crazy witch lady.

Throughout her house it's nothing but containers of blood from different animals. Above those containers she has the head of the animal she killed. She say it's for sacrifices she might need.

She also keeps all lights off because 'when the lights are on, the spirits can see you'.

I slowly walked through the house, making sure not to step on nun of her 3 cats.

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