Chapter 10

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Caroline(1 1/2 months later)

I groaned in absolute pain as I puked out my whole stomach. This baby is killing me!!

"Luna? I got you some mangos and a hot towel, would you be needing anything else?" Tia said, handing me the towel.

Tia is a heavy set girl with the curliest hair. She's about 5'3, brown skinned, and she has one of those laughs that make others laugh.

She's also new to the pack, she married Marko, who was born into this pack. She said that she wanted to help me out with the whole baby thing, and honestly I don't know what I would do without her!

She helps with everything ! Cooking, cleaning, washing, and she already knows me so well. She's just all around amazing!

"Thank you Tia"I said, wiping my face off. "Have you seen Caleb"I asked as I began to brush my teeth.

"Yep, he was hunting with the guys, he should be home any second"she said, cleaning off the toilet.

" I look fat"I asked. I have been feeling so insecure, and emotional lately! I know my daddy is looking down on me Angrily.

"No luna, you look amazing! You're only 2 months"she said laughing a little.

I smiled at her and continued to clean myself off.

"That was amazing Alpha!" Jake said after he turned into his human form.

"Yeah we haven't had a hunt like that in....ever" Jake agreed.

"Really? I thought I did horrible" I said, stretching.

I feel amazing! I'm bigger, faster, stronger, just a different person on the outside.

My relationship with Caroline is also amazing, we get closer every day! Mainly because, despite her being pregnant, we been having sex twice a day. Just a little good morning, good night.

I said goodbye to the Guys and walked into the house.

"Hey alpha, she's in her room right now. She just ate so she will be hungry anyway, she had a bath, and she's watching stranger things" tia said smiling at me.

"Thanks Te.. you can see your way out"I said walking past her.

"Oh I don't have to-

"Unless you wanna hear her scream on my dick, I suggest you go"my wolf said.

"Oh... someone's cranky"she said walking out.

It's not the first time my wolf went off like that, so she knows it's not me.

After showering I walked into our room.

"Hello gorgeous"I said jumping on the bed.

"Beat his ass eleven!!"she screamed at the tv.

I laughed and got  into bed with her.

"Is that all we need?"I asked my granny as slobber feel from my mouth.

I have been eating so much bullshit it's ridiculous, but's it's all going to be worth it! They hurt me now I will hurt them!

I can't wait to see the look on their fucking faces!!

"This is the last one, then I will be able to start the spell"she said, handing me what looked like a small fruit.

"What is this"I asked, grabbing the 'fruit.'

"It's a drained wolf heart, not a werewolf, just a regular wolf. Pup, to be specific"she said like this shit was normal.

I sighed and started to eat the small heart.

"You better do this spell right,"I said as I chewed the tough organ.

It didn't taste bad...the more bs I eat the better everything tastes.

She hit me on the head and I rolled my eyes.

"Okay child, it's a full moon...let's start"she said.

I nodded and later down on the 'X' she made with cow ashes.

"Are you ready?"she asked, dipping her hands in water.

I nodded my head.

I know this is going to hurt like hell but I want to do this. She wanna pick him over me? She wanna pick everyone over me? We will see about that.

She walked over to the body laying on the other side of the room and removed the cover.

"This was Sylvia, she is the werewolf you will be placed into"she said.

Sylvia is literally breathtaking! Carmel skin, shoulder length hair, freckles! Only thing I'm not like is the tattoo on her hand. I always hated tattoos!

"She's beautiful,"I said looking at her.

"Okay now I'm not going to lie, this won't be easy. You will be a new person, and you will also have a wolf for the first time. So y'all need to get along quick. If you what revenge now is the time! They are both vulnerable"she explained.

I nodded my head and lay back down.

I don't care how she got this body, I don't care about anything but making them both suffer!

"Okay let's start"she said.

Her eyes started to roll in the back of her head and black lines started to go up her arms.

"posuit cadaver eius in medio illius lupus"she chanted as the lights began to switch on and off.

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