chapter seven

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People in Natalie's friend group would often just ride in each other's cars to school despite knowing how to drive just for the sake of saving gas money.

Although Natalie never really had to worry about the whole gas money thing, she rode with Montgomery in the back of his jeep every once in a while because he always let her stop for coffee.

She sat with the wind blowing in her face in the back, sipping iced coffee as her back was pushed up against the front two seats since technically there wasn't a back seat, just a flat back. She listened to the two boys in the front seat talking, but not joining so she could play on her phone until the car came to a sudden halt.

"What the fuck? People are trying to walk here!" Natalie heard Alex yell so turned her body to look at him. "What the fuck is your problem?" The blonde boy dropped his backpack as he gets into Monty's face.

"Chill, Alex. It's all good." Monty responds. Justin and Monty both laugh it off.

"Oh, it's all good?" Alex responds, rolling his eyes. "You think you can just run people over like everyone else at the fucking school?"

"You're tripping, man." Monty shakes his head and all Natalie could do was hope Montgomery didn't let his temper explode.

"Okay. Get out of the car." Alex says sternly and Natalie looks at the three boys with a confused glance. Monty shakes it off but it only makes Alex angrier. "Get out of the car! I'm gonna kick your fucking ass! Get out! Get out." Alex starts hitting the car, causing Natalie to jump.

"Alex, calm the fuck down. You're being such a freak show." Natalie shakes her head as she jumps out of the back of the car and the two boys in front get out as well.

"You calm down! I am calm!" Alex yelled at a response to her. Natalie moves over to Justin as Montgomery gets closer to Alex. "I'm so fucking calm."

"You don't want to do this." Montgomery shakes his head.

"You think I'm scared of you?" Alex asks, getting his face into Monty's.

"You should be." Monty says in a stern voice that only came out at certain times.

"Fuck you." Alex said, pushing Monty onto the car, earning a gasp from Natalie. Monty punched him hard in the jaw as people start shouting.

Before they could do anything, the two started fighting. Fighting, fighting. People formed a circle around them as Natalie screamed at them. "Monty! Stop!" And it seemed like she was the only one who wanted to stop it.

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